BodCast Episode 210: Should You Stretch?
Reverse Old Man Syndrome (or Old Lady)
Can you roll away back pain?
BodCast Episode 209: A2 Milk, Dan John and The Best Exercises You Can Do
The Spinal Engine Crawl
Super Shoulder Moves for Impingement and Winged Scapula
Another Climber’s Wall Plank Idea for Strong Shoulders
BodCast Episode 208: Finding Ways to Heal Yourself with Sifu Slim
Better Than Push-ups and Awesome for Climber's Strength
Strengthen Your Mind with Your Body. The Chain Crawl
BodCast Episode 207: Pelvic Floor Health, Blood Flow, and Shoes
Walking in Circles for Healthy Feet
Building a Powerful Backside for Running Sprints
Kettlebells for Brain Health
Crawl away from Shoulder Impingement