What Are You Afraid Of?

And now, a guest article from OS Professional Dr. Kurt Brooks... We all have fear of ‘something.’  I’m afraid of spiders! (Yes… they are vile…

Brush Your Nerves

Chances are, you brush your teeth twice a day, on purpose. You probably don’t even think about it; you just do it. It’s a non-negotiable. Sure, on Saturday, you play it cool, and you wait three hours…

What Does it Mean to Be Bulletproof?

What Does it Mean to Be Bulletproof? I was recently on a podcast discussing the origin of Original Strength when the host asked me what it meant to be bulletproof. That was a really good question,…

Using Your Life Line

A good deep breath can sometimes fill in for that friend you call on in times of tension, stress, or excitement. It's not always possible to reach out to that friend, but it's always possible to breathe. Breathing deep into your belly can prevent you from saying or doing something you may later truly regret.

Strengthen Your Neck, Fix Your Squat

We were born to squat. Not so much as an exercise but as a movement, or really, as a resting position. The full squat, where the butt hovers just above the ground, @ss to gr@ss as some would call it,…

The Joy of Cows

It’s been an interesting week. I just got home from dropping my oldest son off at college. He is now a sophomore. Thursday, I took my youngest son up to his new home in Virginia. He is now a freshman…

Reset Your Feet to Restore Your Body

Your feet are your connection to the world. At least they should be. They aren’t just platforms you stand and walk on; they are meant to be your fluid, strong, springy, tactile informative…

Economics of the Brain

Ask and receive. That could be the brain’s motto. Your brain is always looking for information; it craves information for its economy. …

How to Integrate and Restore Your Body with Rocking

What if I told you there was one movement you could do that could unlock your physical potential? What if this same movement could help you restore your posture, shoulders, hips, low back, knees, ankles,…

That Stuff (Pressing RESET) Works

Last week I was at a neighborhood swim meet when I met an old acquaintance from the fire department I used to work at.  It had probably been eight years since…