Scampering About Like Mountain Goats

Remember those nature shows about mountain goats climbing up crags and rocks we'd see when we were younger?

The Value of Simplicity

  Human nature is a funny thing. We assign value based on many different criteria, but two that I’ve…

Be Salty


Which Reset Is The Best?

That’s a question we often hear. The truth is, they all are. However, some…

What’s The Point?

That’s a question you may be asking yourself right now. What’s the point to doing the resets every day - maybe even multiple times per day? GREAT question.

Your Daily Checklist

I was recently informed…

The “Miracle” of Long-Term Resetting

I had a great conversation last night with Chief OS Science Whiz, Dr Mike Musselman, DC. We were discussing how it took a guy 8 months of daily practice to be able to rewire his brain to…