Failure to Thrive

I had a wonderful time teaching with Dan John over the last few weeks in England and Denmark. Our course is called Survive to Thrive. We teach the idea of establishing a lifestyle of habitual movement…

Easy Strength and Original Strength

Hey guys,  It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog. I’ve been traveling over the last two weeks with Dan…

The Pat Flynn Show - How To Combine Kettlebells with Original Strength

Click here to listen to the podcast featuring Pat Flynn and Dan John.

Can You Go?

Hello My Friends, It’s been an amazing week this past week. I got to see some old friends, and I had a chance to teach beside a great friend of mine named Dan John. I don’t know about you, but…

Eat, Talk, Throw

Hey guys,    Another week has come and gone. This was a pretty good week. A friend from Idaho stopped by for a few days and we were able to break…

Show Up, Move, Think Healthy, Eat Fiber

Hello Friends, Last week was a gooood week. I eventually got to rest from the four days of teaching, and I got to meet and make a new friend, Mick…

Where Does Movement Come From?

Hey Everyone, It’s been a fairly good week this week. I got to be on the Run with FitPage Podcast last week with Vikas Singh. This was probably one of the best discussions I’ve ever had about…

A New Thing

Hello Friends, I’m going to try something different this week. For over ten years, I’ve been writing a blog or article or musing once a week. For the first couple of years, I wrote two a week.…