The Ultimate Crawl
The Ultimate Crawl It is no secret, I'm a "crawler." I think crawling is not only a tremendous reset, but it is also a tremendous strength builder. I believe this because I have experienced…
Box Jumps are Like Rome
Rome wasn't built in a day. You've heard that before, right? I'm sure it is true. No one blinked one day and suddenly found a powerful empire called Rome. It took time. The same thing is true for anything…
We Don't Need to Exercise
My dad hung drywall for almost 30 years. We called it sheetrock. If you don't know, drywall is gypsum board. It is used to cover the studs in your house, or office. It gives them that nice flat surface…

Resets for the Momma-to-be
If you've been following along with us, you may know that we truly believe that Original Strength (OS) is for everyone. Today, we are reaching out to the ladies, more specifically, the…
Rest and Digest
Did you know that when you are at rest, you can digest? Did you also know that when you can rest AND digest, your metabolism can function properly? And, when your metabolism is functioning properly,…
It is Called Hope
We often get letters and stories from people all over the world (no joke) explaining how Original Strength has helped them. Some of the stories are just awesome. Stories like "my low back doesn't hurt…
Cats Should Be Cats
I have a cat. It's a house cat. Her name is Whiskers. I've had Whiskers now for almost 4 years. It is the only "real" pet my wife and I were brave enough to let our boys have. In the last year or so,…