Be a Doer

  In Original Strength, one of the phrases we like to use is, "You were made to move." It is movement of the human body that keeps the human body. Movement keeps us strong and…

What’s The Deal With Keeping Your Head Up?

My son has recently been exposed to the childish hilarity of Winnie The Pooh. He loves it and routinely cracks up. Especially during the one with the bees. However,…

On Talismans and Amulets

And now, a guest post by Mark Limbaga..... Growing up in the Philippines, one would definitely hear folklore about talismans, amulets and enchantments that are supposed to…

I Got Nothing...

You ever just wake up and wish you could stay in bed? Ever feel like you “got nothing?” I’ve been there and done that too. Been awhile, but I had that spirit try to sneak on…


  We accidentally stumbled into a movement challenge. Often when I strength train, I pick a few movements and perform them for 10 minutes at a time. Generally, my goal is to perform…

"How Long Does It Take?"

That's one of the questions people want to know when they start doing the RESETs. Our answer?

Don't Get Stuck on the Treadmill

A guest post by Chad Faulkner.....       I recently completed the one mile spider-man crawl like Tim did so very long ago. Because…

Freedom In The Simple

Probably the hardest concept to grasp about Original Strength is it’s simplicity. You simply do the resets and you get your movement back. The problem lies in the rational mind.

The Power Inside

  I recently hiked up a mountain in Asheville, NC called Chimney Rock. It was a beautiful day and the mountain itself, as well as the view were, was gorgeous. Truly awe inspiring.…

To Squat Or Not To Squat?

I have a love/hate relationship with the squat. When I first started lifting weights, way back in 1989, I completely ignored my legs and only trained the upper body. Why?