Your Nose Knows

And now, a guest article by good friend and OS Instructor, Sarah Young...Your nose knows about breathing. After all, it's designed to.Your nose is designed to humidify, filter, and adjust…

Can I Get Strong?

I was recently asked if Rocking Hindu Pushups would make someone stronger. I get questions like this a lot. Will crawling make me stronger? Can rolling make me stronger? Can I add muscle size with pushups?

Gotta Get Up to Get Down

I recently watched the Wham! Documentary on Netflix. I loved it. I am a huge George Michael fan. He was extremely talented. One of George’s later songs was called Fastlove, and the repetitive …

The Balance of Hip Flexors and Hip Extensors

And now, a revitalized classic about the war between flexion and extension: 


It’s Independence Day here in the States, a day of celebrating freedom. I know the purpose is to remember the hard-won freedom from being ruled by England, but I can’t help but think that independence…

Don’t Neglect Your Feet

Chances are, your feet are neglected. What I mean is that more than likely, they spend the majority of their time stuffed in shoes. Even if you wear minimalist shoes, which are better…

A Reset to Ground You

And now, a guest article from OS Instructor and BodCast Producer Sarah Young... Did you ever wish you had a simple and powerful way to ground yourself, calm your mind, and promote good health…

The Best Reset

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Everett Worthington on the OS BodCast. Dr. Worthington is the world’s leading expert in the practice of forgiveness. His personal mission is to spread…

Getting a Grip on Life

Could your grip strength help keep Alzheimer’s disease at bay?Maybe.In his book, Outlive, Dr. Peter Attia discusses…

Rock Around the Clock: Quadrupedal Rocking for Work-Stressed Professionals

And now a guest post from Original Strength Professional Rick Evans... Attention, busy executives…