Why The Squat? (A Path To Restoration.)

One of the tell-tale signs of having lost your reflexive strength - and therefore your resilience, is your inability to do a comfortable bodyweight squat. Yes, a flatfooted, butt-on-ankles,…

What If The World Had a Reset Button?

Pressing Reset on the World Have you ever just wanted to press the big reset button for the whole world? You know, if the world had a reset button that could be depressed, would you ever…

Don’t Overthink It

When I was a young trainer/ coach, I prided myself in being able to break down exercises into the smallest of moving parts. Arm goes here, wrist goes there, turn your upper…

Becoming Your Best

I once heard the very famous and wise strength and movement coach, Dan John, talk about how doing the thing you are not doing will improve everything else you are doing. Dan was talking about the 5…

On Faith and Foolishness

Usually, I always know what I want to write and have no problem writing it. This week, I was just stumped. For hours. On end. I sat down and tried to write, staring at this…

Protect Your Head

If you have been following OS for any period of time, you probably know by now that the body follows the head and the head leads the body. That is our design. It is physical and mental. If the head…

Life Restored

Have you ever wondered, if pressing RESET, if performing childish movements could really create powerful changes in the body? Doesn't it seem a little silly that something as simple as rocking back…

Piggybacking: I DID Change The Way I Move…

I wanted to piggyback off Piers Kwan’s guest…

You Can Change the Way You Move

And now, a guest post from Piers Kwan......     Everyone knows that person - they’ve never met a game they couldn’t play… and win… They pick up a racquet…