Rising to the Challenge

Check out this cool letter I received from Tom LaCoppola. He rose to the challenge (the 30 day Rocking Push-Up Challenge that is) and is flying high! Tim, I have been following…

Coaches Know - Movement Matters

Another Guest Post from all the way out in Scotland, OS Certified Coach, Richard Macaulay.

The Breath of Life

And now, a guest post from Richard Macaulay, OS Level 2 Coach - In SCOTLAND!   When we were born there was one thing we did before any other. One act of movement…

Crawling like a Baby: How to Break Records and Restore Your Body.

And Now, a guest post by John Odden, Owner & Head Coach of Empowered Strength... Posted under: Fitness, Highland…

Forever Strong

When one starts thinking about movements one would always want to do in order to stay healthy, one soon realizes that it is hard to put a limit on the movements you love to do. After all, we are made…

The Second Must Do

But If There Were Two... Last week I talked about the one movement I would do, if I could only do one exercise for building and keeping strength; my must do exercise. If you didn't read…

The One Exercise I Would Do...

Have you ever been asked, "If you were on a desert island, what is the one exercise you would do?" I have. If you are like me, your first question might be, "How big is the island?" Or, "What's on the…

Movement Heals the Body

The following story is from Richard Morse, OS Level 2 Coach. I have watched this story take place over the last 5 years. I have seen Richard's struggles and frustrations. And, I couldn't be happier…

Do You Need an Interruption?

One of the most beautiful things I've noticed about Original Strength is that it interrupts people's lives. Really, it interrupts their thought processes or their belief systems, allowing for a new…

Crawl Before You Walk

And now, a quick thought by TC Lee, OS Level 2 Coach..... There is a common saying that goes "Learn to crawl before you walk”. Although what it meant is…