
It’s Independence Day here in the States, a day of celebrating freedom. I know the purpose is to remember the hard-won freedom from being ruled by England, but I can’t help but think that independence…

Getting a Grip on Life

Could your grip strength help keep Alzheimer’s disease at bay?Maybe.In his book, Outlive, Dr. Peter Attia discusses…

Tim Anderson: Be Naked on The Strength Connection

Michael Kurkowski welcomes Tim to The Strength Connection Podcast, to discuss Tim's latest book “Be Naked”.

A Deep Down Reset

There are two things I’m always contemplating, partly because I believe that these two things are long-lasting reset buttons. That if you can press them, you are free to move and be. Anyway, these two…

Keep Your Options Open

There are many reasons why it is a great idea to spend time moving on the floor. Spending time on the ground builds familiarity with simply being on the ground, where the ground is not threatening but…

Tim Anderson on The Strength Connection

Strength Connection Podcast #47 with Tim Anderson, co-founder of Original Strength. Mike Kurkowski and Tim Anderson discuss the origin and evolution of the Original Strength system.

Mike Matthews of Legion - The Power of Movement RESETs with Tim Anderson

Click here to watch the video. Click here to read Mike Matthews and Tim Anderson discussing…

Text Neck

And now, a guest article by friend and OS Clinician, Dr. Kurt Brooks...   What is Text Neck? …

The Youth of a Spine

“You are as old as your spine.” - Chinese Proverb “You are as young and healthy as your spine is strong and supple.” -…

Pivot Points

I’ve had a few Pivot Points lately. I don’t know if that’s a name I’ve made up or not but some might call a pivot point a course correction, a life-altering event, a repentance or something…