Five Crawling Tips

And now, a fantastic article by Original Strength Instructor, Aleks Salkin. Not a long time ago in a Philly suburb not far, far away,…

The Intent in the Design

Ok, I’ll admit this article might seem a little “out there” but I ask you to stay with me until you’ve heard me out. I was recently giving a talk to a group of people about Original Strength. Basically,…

Nervous System Controls Range of Motion

And now, a guest post co-created by OS Instructor and brawny Physique Model, Mark Shropshire and OS Master Instructor and Monster Expert, Dr. Mike Musselman: In a conversation that I had…

What are You Under?

I must confess, I cheated this week. Thursday morning I woke up and had something running through my head that I couldn't shake. So at 6 am I sat down and wrote a poem, or song, or psalm - I really…

Infinity Clearance

And now, a guest post from Michigan based, OS Instructor, Sarah Young…. "To Infinity and Beyond!” …

An Honest. Movement

I’m just going to come out and say it. Insecurity sucks. It holds you down, holds you back, makes you hold your breath, makes you hold your expressions back from others and it keeps you from truly being…

“At My Wits End”

I’ve never done this before, but last week a reader responded to a blog and I thought her response would make for a great blog/article in itself. I could be wrong! BUT I think this dialog may be helpful…

Is it OverUse or OverRide?

Have you ever been injured? Injury is what started this whole amazing Original Strength journey for me. So not all injuries, if any, are bad. Some can be diamonds wrapped up in coal. Anyway, have you…

Unleash Your Potential

What if you were supposed to be good at anything? Anything you wanted to be good at, that is. I guess a better way to ask is, What if you were meant to be able to express yourself well…

The Braided Body

A cord of two or three strands is not easily broken. It’s a deep saying I heard once. It has meaning on different levels, but I actually want to talk about the surface level; the strength of the cord.…