Roll Every Day

We are meant to be strong. We are made to feel good. We are intended to be happy. But not all of us walk around in the strength we were meant to have. Not all of us feel good or even descent, except…

Dealing with Injury

Sometimes life just happens. And though we are made to rise again and again, the rising part would indicate a falling part. At times we fall. Or, we get injured. We may literally fall, or we get hit…

The Rules of Moving

I recently had a caffeine surge while filming a Movement Snax video that resulted in a weird rant about moving the way we were designed to move. Really, my rant was more about not being afraid to move…

New Year’s Fitness Goals?  Press RESET First!

And now, a guest article from OS Coach and famous author of Original Strength for the Tactical Athlete, Chad Faulkner...

Happy New You

It’s 2019. Are you ready? Did you make new plans for a new you in a new year? Have you done that before? You probably know this but most people don’t…

A Simple Message

It’s Christmas Eve, so I’ll keep this super short and simple… We believe that OS is really about one simple message:  You are awesomely…

The 12 Resets of Christmas

Just the other day a friend of mine, let’s call her Danielle, was asking me “What is Pressing Reset?” To me, the answer is so simple, yet extremely complex. And, the way I think about Pressing Reset…

Don’t Exercise. Just Move.

Have you ever noticed the more you look at something the more you “see?” Or the more you study or contemplate something the more you understand that something? I’ve been pondering exercise and movement…

The “Baby” Getup

"Success is failing nine times and getting up ten".   That seems to be the mindset of babies and toddlers - they decide they want to stand up .... so they do. It doesn't happen…

Should You Lift Weights?

I am starting to get asked, quite often, if I lift weights. And the answer, in this current season of my life, is that I don’t. Not in the traditional sense at least.