One More Reason to Move

I’ve been on this kick lately of talking about the importance of having a daily movement routine. If you’ve missed…

Beware Your Expectations

Often when I write, I am simply sharing my experiences; what I’m currently learning or what I’ve learned. Basically, most…

Who Told You That You Were Broken?

We are judgmental. We see things and make snap decisions even before we know we’ve made them. Sometimes these decisions are based on our beliefs, our knowledge,…

Questions for Tim

Recently, I had someone write to me with a few questions about Original Strength. They were pretty good questions so I thought I would share them with everyone who cares to know how I see through the…


When I was a child, I had an “unbreakable” comb. Have you ever seen one of those? They were black combs you could get for…

How to Invite the Student to Drink the Horse’s Water

A friend of mine, I’ll call him Kirby, has mentioned this phrase to me quite a few times, “When the student is ready, the…

How You Breathe Makes All the Difference in the World

And now, a guest article by Original Strength Lead Instructor, Mark Shropshire:    “It’s the little details that are vital.  Little things make big things…

The Youth of a Spine

“You are as old as your spine.” - Chinese Proverb “You are as young and healthy as your spine is strong and supple.” -…

We Are Only Human After All

And now, a guest article by Dr. Kurt S. Brooks, OS Certified Clinician: We all get hurt.  Injuries happen.  We twist an ankle, bite a lip, hurt our backs and tear rotator cuffs.  It’s…

Pivot Points

I’ve had a few Pivot Points lately. I don’t know if that’s a name I’ve made up or not but some might call a pivot point a course correction, a life-altering event, a repentance or something…