We Be Three

Have you ever heard the saying that a cord of three strands is not easily broken? Or, have you ever heard that a triangle is the strongest shape in nature? I don’t know if you’ve ever thought about…

Keys to Good Health

I’ve probably asked this before, but have you ever been in a hurry to leave your house but could not find your car keys? You were cutting it close on time for an appointment or job you had to be at,…

It’s About Moving

Life should be enjoyed. One of the best ways to enjoy anything is through experience. Experience IS the enjoyment. You can know about life. You can read about it. You can watch others live it. You can…

The First Day

The first day you came into the world, you were a great belly breather. You were. You breathed through your nose, your tongue was on the roof of your mouth and you pulled air down deep into the bottom…

How To Crawl A Mile 

I crawled a mile once, ok maybe twice. I don’t really talk much about it publicly, but once in a while, it comes up. My friend, Chad, also crawled a mile and for whatever reason he and I were both talking…