Don’t Let Moving Kill You

I recently had the painful pleasure of helping my son move into his college dorm. Painful, because for eighteen years, he’s been running around in my house and in my heart.…

Gradually and Suddenly

Have you ever noticed that some things happen both gradually and suddenly? Health is a great example. Whether we lose it or we gain it, it is often a gradual process that we notice quite suddenly. Success…

Breath and Movement

And now, a guest article from Raymond van Leeuwen, an OS Professional and Buteyko Breath Therapist.  I think we all know that breathing is important to life. It is the first thing you…

The Secret of the Ankles

I recently had a chance to speak with Liz Koch on the OS BodCast. I’ll release that BodCast soon and double…

Reset Your Posture

Your posture is a reflection of you and your nervous system. Changing your posture is possible. Pressing RESET can help you change your posture.

Life in the Fringes

Have you ever been absolutely certain about something only to find out your certainty was on faulty ground? Or, have you ever known you were “right” but later discovered that “rightness” is perception…

How to Be a Ninja

  This may surprise you, but I haven’t always done the smartest things. Sometimes I let my zeal overcome reason and I do…

Breathing Consciousness

In the last year, on the OS BodCast, I’ve interviewed a lot of people about breathing. It started with an…

Got a Case of the SITS?

Shoulder injuries are no fun. You never really appreciate how much you need, and use, and love your shoulder until it isn’t happy. But then, that’s generally the way it is with everything. We often…

Should Walking Take Mental Effort?

Recently, I released a BodCast with Vince Vaccaro about ChiRunning. It was a great conversation, for me at least, about the joys of running and walking. It’s…