Pressing RESET Certification
Register • 349
Saturday May 31, 2025
9:00am - 3:00pm
Rya LethamOS Pressing RESET - Whistler, BC
May 31 Whistler, BC 349
Join us at the Original Strength Pressing RESET Certification Saturday, May 31, 2025 in Whistler, BC. We will teach you how to help your clients restore and rebuild their Original Strength and improve the results they experience when working with you. The OS Pressing RESET Certification is the introduction to the OS system.
Interested in a Professional discount? Be sure to check out the Special Combo Deal below.
We will teach you how to use the human developmental system to understand why your client may move in a particular way or may be stuck getting to the next level. In this certification, you will learn how and why the human body is capable of remembering its original design for movement. You will be able to use what you learn on yourself, clients of any age, health or physical condition (as long as they are medically cleared to live). This certification will help you change lives, possibly even yours.
A typical OS Pressing RESET attendee is a Health, Fitness, or Education Professional. Some have been in their profession for many years, others are new. Some work in niche markets such as seniors or certain neuromuscular diseases and others work with professional athletes, and others work with pre/post-surgical patients or stroke victims. A common thread in all attendees is the desire to help their clients, whoever they are, improve and achieve more significant results. This diverse mix is also part of what makes the certification so rewarding for our attendees.
Save $150 when you register for BOTH Pressing RESET and Pro RESET at the same time (coupon code: PressingPro).
You must purchase both/all at the same time for either coupon to apply.
Topics Covered
The three pillars of OS
- The OS Big 5 RESETs (including breathing, head control, rolling, rocking, and contralateral movements)
- The definition of reflexive strength and stability
- What is the vestibular system and why it’s so important
- What neuroplasticity means to your life
- Why OS views things from a Good, Better, Best perspective
- Which regression or progression works best for your body
- How to Press RESET using the OS System
- How to help your clients achieve more
Prerequisites, CEUs, and Additional Details
The OS Pressing RESET Certification is also the required prerequisite to OS Pro RESET Certification. OS Pro RESET Certification goes more in-depth into why the OS system works and how to develop programs for your clients. It also provides instruction on how to use and implement the OS Screen & Assessment (OSSA) into your business.
Upon completion of the certification, you may choose to become an OS Certified Professional – Coach to help you continue to grow your business.
Refund Policy: If you are unable to attend your registered certification, we will transfer the registration fee to a future certification of the same level per your selection.