What is Pressing RESET?

Categories: Blog Apr 10, 2016

Have you ever wondered that? Has anyone ever asked you what that means, as it relates to Original Strength? Does it really mean there is a button we can press on the body and then, magically, everything in the body returns to the way it is supposed to be? Ok, there is no button. But do these simple movements babies make really "reset" our nervous systems? Is there a reboot? Do we go offline for a second and then power back up?

The truth is, we have a hard time explaining what it means to Press RESET. There is no real magic, though it does seem to produce the miraculous. And there is no rebooting of the nervous system, though the nervous system does seem to get restored, or "reset". We use analogies of technology, because many can relate to our simple, magical, fixes for our smart phones, computers, modems, Nintendos, or what-have-you. If our devices don't work right, we reset them, reboot them, revive them, restart them, or even repair them, often with a simple push of a button.

But our bodies are not modern technology. In all our inventions and all the modern advances we have made, even in our world of nearly complete connectedness, everything pales in comparison to the intricate beauty and wonder of our design - even though most everything man has created is modeled after, or mirrors, some facet of the human body's design. Everything else falls short. Therefore, surely the human body cannot be fixed or restored simply by Pressing RESET because the human body is an extremely complex system of many interwoven systems. A head nod, or a breath of air, cannot reset the way our circuits (our nervous system) work, allowing our bodies to function properly. Or can it?

Yes. Yes it can.

First, let’s look at the word RESET. At it’s root is the word set. To set something is to establish something. When you were a child, the developmental movement sequence was used to set you, to establish you, as a person of health in strength; in mind and body. Your simple movements established the foundation for your nervous system as well as the foundation of your movement vocabulary. To press RESET is to re-set, to reestablish, you; your nervous system, your strength, your health. You reestablish your movement vocabulary when you revisit those early simple, developmental movements.

Pressing RESET can be seen as going back to the basics - the basics of movement. The Big 5 (breathing, head control, rolling, rocking, and crawling) are like the ABC's of movement. When you have all the letters in place you can write words, then sentences, then paragraphs, then poems or novels. In other words, when you have a solid foundation, you can build whatever structure you want. These basic movements are the movements your nervous system developed itself from, they are the movements your nervous system established itself upon.

Do you think it is possible that performing and owning these movements masterfully, would create and/or restore the nervous system’s ability to govern the body as it was designed? Of course it is. Look at our ABC example, how well could we write a novel, or even a simple sentence, if we forgot a few letters of the alphabet? Surely forgetting an "e" or even forgetting it's properties is no big deal in the big picture of communicating ideas in writing: How do you write an “e”? How do you enunciate the letter “e” alone, or in words? What are the rules for how to use the “e”? Does it come before "i" or after? Is it silent, or does it make a long vowel sound? Not knowing how to use an “e” is no big deal. Right? Wrong. It is knowing and mastering the basics, it is having complete ownership of your movement alphabet, that make all the difference in the world. One good breath of air performed as it was intended can change your life forever. Just one.... It can even seem quite miraculous at times when these simple movements powerfully restore something that seemed to be lost forever. But if there is a miracle, the miracle is in the design of the body, not the movements themselves.

Pressing RESET is simply reestablishing the body’s foundation of movements, the ABC’s of movement, by tapping into the nervous system’s original movement program. It is simple and it can greatly change and enhance the wonderfully complex interwoven system that is the human body.

The mystery of pressing RESET has been hidden in the Alphabet Song all along: ….Now I know my ABCs, won’t you come and play with me?….

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