What If The World Had a Reset Button?

Categories: Blog Nov 15, 2015

Pressing Reset on the World

Have you ever just wanted to press the big reset button for the whole world? You know, if the world had a reset button that could be depressed, would you ever want to push it? Or mash it?
Not so you could get rid of people or anything like that, but so “things” just worked the way they were supposed to.

Here is what I mean: I don’t believe the world was intended to be the way it is. There are things about our world that just aren’t “right.” I’m not saying I have all the answers for how things should be, but I can recognize when things are not going the way they should. I can recognize brokenness. There are parts of our world that are broken. Truthfully, since nothing about the world is isolated, if parts of the world are broken, all of the world is broken.

What makes our world broken? We do. Not all of us value life and the gift that it is. Not all of us love our neighbors, or our brothers and sisters, or our parents, or even our friends. Some of us don’t even love ourselves. But we should. That is one reason why, if I could, I would press the reset button on the world; to remove the darkness and heal the brokenness.

And maybe I can. Maybe you can too. Just like the human body, there is NO part of the world that is isolated from itself. Everything is connected. Inside of everything is humanity. All of humanity is connected. And just like the body, as every single cell in the body is in some way connected and affected by every other cell in the body, every person - every life - is in some way connected and affected by every other person.

Every single life affects the whole of humanity in some way, good or bad. Dark and broken lives impact the entire world. But then, so do light and loving lives. It is because the light and loving lives are doing what they were created to do, so they don’t cause attention and perhaps they don’t get noticed. A well person doesn’t know how great it is to feel good until they feel bad. In other words, no one notices all the billions of cells in their body doing what they are supposed to do. But a person sure does take notice when cells start misbehaving, mutating, or becoming sicknesses. Cancer cells get noticed because they are no longer living correctly.

In the same way, dark, bitter, broken lives can cause great commotion and destruction because they are not functioning the way they were designed. This gets noticed and it causes fear, much like cancer cells can cause fear in the body that they invade.

And that is the point. Darkness and fear do not belong in the world. Yes, they has been in the world since the beginning, but they do not belong here. No person was created to destroy another. That is a perversion, a sickness, a malfunction in the design. Just as individually, none of us were created to be weak, injured or fragile, depressed, bitter, or hate filled, the same is true globally. If we were all meant to be strong and healthy, then the whole world was meant to be strong and healthy. If we were all made to smile, the whole world was made to smile. If none of us were meant to be filled with fear, then fear is not meant to be in the world - period. Fear comes from darkness. And darkness is a virus/mutation/sickness/perversion inside the design.

And while the world does not have one big ole reset button, it does have individuals. Individuals who impact the whole of humanity. Individuals who can resist the fear of darkness and darkness itself by shining as lights. Individuals who can choose to love their neighbors. Individuals who can stand against and not run from darkness. Just think, if a butterfly can create a hurricane with the flapping of its wings, then one man, or one woman, can defeat darkness and evil by choosing to stand, love and shine as a light.

One person can change the world by renewing their mind and choosing to love. What can one million persons do who choose to do the same thing? How about one billion persons? If we each individually choose to “press reset” on the world, and shine, then the darkness cannot cause fear because there won't even be any places for shadows to hide. If we each choose to make the world a better place, there will be no darkness. One way or another, it will be defeated.

I know this is an odd post. My point is there is darkness in our world and it does not belong here. You don't have to understand darkness to know that is just doesn't belong here. It isn't right. Just as we were not meant to be broken, neither was our world. We must choose to not be afraid. We must choose to stand against darkness. We must choose to shine because the darkness cannot comprehend the light.

No matter what is going on around you, keep your head up. You matter. You do make a difference. You can change the world - for the better. Shine on and reset the world.

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