"Totally Pain Free"
Jun 28, 2015

My name is Amber Harrison and I wanted to share my amazing OS story with you.
I was born and raised in Alaska, playing sports and every outdoor activity possible. I started doing Kbs when I was 21 and fell in love with them. I have not looked at a dumbbell since! I used them to train though 3 pregnancies, 4 surgeries and recoveries. While pregnant with my second child I had debilitating back, hip and leg pain. This continued for over 3 years and traveled to my neck, also causing numbness issues in hands, feet, arms, legs and face. I also developed walking issues, one or both of my legs would give out( think drunk stumbling girl here)up to 100 times a day. My neck pain was so intense it was hard to lift my head off my pillow or look right and left.
I was sent to see 11 different doctors who told me I have/could have Multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, ankylosing spondylitis, piriformis syndrome, bulging discs and or sciatica. I was also told working out more would fix these issues. I was confused, embarrassed, hurting and already lifting kbs 3x a week and walking/yoga or pilates on other days. After treatment plans containing only pain pills and muscle relaxers I was fed up.
Last February I saw your video online speaking about neck nods and migraines. I immediately tried them and have not looked back at the past once. I have looked up, down and sideways. I remedied myself with the daily five religiously and tried a chiropractor for the first time. I wanted a natural cure for this awful pain that had gone on for so long. I wanted to be off these medications. I wanted to play with my sweet babies without pain for the first time. Last June was my 9th and last chiropractic appointment as we were moving and I did not know of a chiropractor in our new town. I have not been back to a chiropractor since, but continued to practice OS daily and kbs at least 3 times a week.
Last July I received my MRI results showing all discs that had been bulging are totally normal and back in place! The pain became less and less and now coming up on a year later I am totally pain free! I had forgotten what it was like not to hurt! My walking has improved. It does not hurt to sit, stand, drive or hold my children! My legs have giving out 7 times in the last four months. I am off all pain medication/muscle relaxers. In short I have experienced a miracle!
I know God does not make mistakes and led me to OS for a reason. I want to tell the world what I have experienced! If I can help one person learn how to ease pain through all of this it will have been worth the years of hurting. I wish doctors knew how to recommend such a movement system, especially for mommies. I tell everyone I know and they all want to learn OS. Every time I show someone the resets they laugh. I believe it is the God given movement patterns and childlike quality that causes this. As laughter is the best medicine I will continue to show everyone OS and will practice it for life. Thank you for giving me this gift and please let me know how to bring it to others. I would love to get certified to be coach and can't wait to attend a workshop. I have both of your books but I know hands on experience can't be topped.Thank you for taking the time to read my story and may God Bless you!
Amber H.
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