Tis The Season
Dec 22, 2013

It is probably not a secret that Geoff and I are Christians. And if you didn't know, Geoff and I are Christians. So naturally, we do love Christmas because Christmas is Christmas. But Christmas is not just for Christians, it is for everybody. Everyone needs love, hope and joy.
Regardless of your thoughts about Christmas, you have to admit one thing: Love is in the air. Yes, buying and selling is in the air also, but more powerful than that, and more beautiful than that, this time of year is filled with Love, Joy, and Hope. People smile more, people give of themselves more, and people forgive more. As the song goes, this is the most wonderful time of the year. It is special.
And this is a special Christmas for us. This is the "first Christmas" we have had as Original Strength. This has been an amazing year. We have made some wonderful friends and we have discovered "family" we didn't know we had. We cannot help but be thankful and overjoyed because of these new relationships and the gifts they have been to us.
Speaking of gifts, Original Strength, itself, has been the biggest gift ever. Not only for Geoff and I, but for others as well. Almost daily we hear stories about how rocking has allowed someone the ability to tie their own shoe when previously, they couldn't. Or how head nods have helped someone overcome migraine headaches. Or how learning how to crawl like a baby has allowed someone to brush their teeth without having back pain. Are you seeing this?
Tying your own shoes, brushing teeth without pain, and overcoming migraines. These are small, little, seemingly insignificant things, but at the same time, they are huge blessings. They are life giving. Being able to do simple things in life add to the value and joy of life. Things many people might take for granted can be things that others would give anything for.
Why am I sharing this with you? Because just like Christmas, OS allows people to have hope, which leads to joy in the simple things, which leads to the ability to love others more freely.
When we don't feel good. When we feel hurt, sick, or damaged, we get consumed with our own conditions and our own limitations. We are not as giving of ourselves. We are not as generous, or caring. We are not as loving. However, when we feel good, when we feel whole, we are free to love others. In fact it is easier to love others because we are not consumed with our own limitations. OS helps people remove their own limitations and improve their lives. In doing so, it allows others to care more about the ones around them.
Yes, we are serious. Original Strength not only helps the people that engage in it, it helps and improves the lives of others as well.
Think about it. When you feel great, are you not more giving? Are you not more compassionate? Is it not easier to smile? Do you not make the world a better place when you are healthy?
You do. You share your love with others. You can't even help it.
This is what Original Strength is to us. It is hope. It makes the world a better place. Just like Christmas.
We hope all of you have a very merry Christmas, or extremely Happy Holidays, or just an awesome week with your family and friends. May you be filled with Love, Hope and Joy.
Geoff, Dani, and Tim
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