The Walking Dead

Categories: Blog Nov 16, 2014

[caption id="attachment_2283" align="alignnone" width="350"]Dead man walking. Dead man walking.[/caption]

I saw a Zombie Hunter's Permit the other day. It looked pretty official. It is kind of funny, and also kind of sad. We live in a world that is fantasizing about Zombies. Yes, Zombie movies have been around for a long time, but today is different. We have Zombie movies, TV shows, games, hunting gear, and even permits. Our society seems to be obsessed with zombies.

We are fantasizing about surviving a world full of the walking dead. We fantasize about being the hero; able to escape their grasp, able to save our loved ones, able to be. Perhaps there is an eerie symbolism in all of this. I think deep down, most of us know that the world is really full of walking dead people. And, we are afraid.

Is there a coincidence that society is obsessed with zombies? Look around. You are probably surrounded by lifeless people: people that are here, alive, but not "living," only existing. People everywhere are apathetic. They have no passion. They are slow. They don't move well. They are filled with dread and the weight of the world instead of being filled with hope and the light of a new day.

Many around you probably don't move or smile unless they are forced to. They exist. They stumble around day to day much like a zombie.

And, I think they know it.

I think deep down we all know it. That is probably why the zombie craze is so big right now. We all want to live, but many of us are walking around lifeless and we don't know what to do. So, we create fantasies about surviving from the walking dead; the very thing we are becoming.

If you are reading this, chances are that you are not a zombie. Or, perhaps you were, but now you are "alive" again. Being alive, really "living", is what we are all called to do. Experiencing life and being capable of experiencing life are gifts we were all made for. Imagination is also a gift, but it is to be used in conjunction with living. Imagination is a horrible replacement for actually living. Used alone, it is a shallow replacement for life. It is a lullaby lie - It can lull you into only fantasizing and not being.

We were made to be. Not only should we fantasize and imagine ourselves to being the hero, we should also actually be the hero. We should go through life rescuing those who would otherwise drown in their lullaby lies. We should move often, smile regularly and live out daily adventures. We should conquer the days and rest in the nights. Simply put, we should live.

We are surrounded by the walking dead. We are the heroes. But we are not only to save ourselves and our loved ones, we are to save those who are lifeless. Don't dismiss the apathy that glares at you. Smile at it. Encourage another who is depressed. Take a zombie-friend for a walk. Teach them to crawl. Offer a hug. Do what heroes do.

There is a zombie apocalypse. You are the hero.
Zombie Fighting Kit:

Every day, upon waking, smile. Seriously. Smile and be thankful for a new day.
Practice breathing deep into your belly for 2 minutes.
Roll around on the floor for 1 minute.
Rock on your hands and knees for 1 minute.
Crawl on your hands and knees for 1 minute.

Throughout the day, seek opportunities to perform 10 cross-crawls.
Seek opportunities to go for walks.
Practice smiling.
Seek opportunities to rescue a friend.

Please share this with a zombie, or a non-zombie you love.


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