The Power Inside
Sep 13, 2015

I recently hiked up a mountain in Asheville, NC called Chimney Rock. It was a beautiful day and the mountain itself, as well as the view were, was gorgeous. Truly awe inspiring. God's creation, nature, is amazing. And it can make you think, if you let it.
Chimney Rock was, well, it was one ginormous rock. It was a rock covered with trees. More accurately, it was a rock with trees growing out of it. Have you ever seen a large tree growing out of the side of a rock? Have you ever thought about how a tree's roots penetrate through a rock, split the rock, and bury themselves deep enough to support the weight and life of a tree?
[caption id="attachment_4731" align="alignnone" width="350"] Do you see that tree growing out of the side of the rock?[/caption]
It is absolutely amazing how much power can come from a tiny seed. Think about it. A small seed has the power potential of splitting a boulder in half. How can this be?
It is simple. The desire to live can move mountains.
Life is powerful. Life can penetrate through any barrier and overcome any obstacle, as is illustrated by the tree that can grow out of a rock. Seeds and trees are not the only illustrations of this. People also possess and demonstrate this same power. The desire to live, the desire to have life, can help a person overcome most anything. It's true.
Just like the power of life that exists within a seed, that same power exists in you. The only difference between you and the tree is that you have options and a mind to choose.
Do you know why a tree can split grow out of a rock? Because a tree has no other alternative. It only knows to grow and live. It has no mind to decide what it will do. It has no options. It is programed to simply grow. Surely, if a tree knew the impossibility of splitting through a rock, there would be no trees growing out of boulders and mountains.
People have options. There is enormous power in each individual to overcome anything life throws at them. There is enough power in you to move mountains. But most people know too much to let that power flow through them and from them. As living, thinking beings, we get to process information, good and bad information, and then we set a course of action or a cascade of events by how we think about that information.
For example, some people never achieve there dreams because someone else tells them how hard their dream will be, how stupid their dream will be, or how impossible it might be. So, with this knowledge in mind, the dream dies.
Or, some people may find out they have a life threatening disease, or even a fatal disease, and then their health rabidly declines because of the knowledge they hold and the options of thought they choose.
You can have two people who have the same dream to flip the world upside down and both can be told that it is an impossibility, and one will submit to this information and never see the world flip, and yet the other will grit his teeth, dig in his heels, set his face like flint and flip the world over. Two people with the same dream, same "bad information", same options, but two different outcomes.
Or, you can have two people diagnosed with the same fatal disease. One may die in the allotted forecasted time, and the other may actually beat the disease, become healed, and blow medical science away.
How can this be?
Some people don't consider the options. They don't look back to notice they are trying to grow out of a rock. They simply choose to move on against all odds.They choose life, success, victory, and power. Others consider the rocks, the bad news, the bad advice, or whatever else.
Understand this: There is a tremendous amount of power put in you. If a tree can split through a rock to live, you can certainly overcome obstacles to live as well. And I'm not just talking about living so you can breathe air, I'm talking about living so you conquer this life and leave your legacy on this world.
You have the power inside of you to move mountains. If you consider that and nothing else, you cannot fail. Having Original Strength is more than how your body moves, it is also about how your mind thinks. Like the tree in the rock, you were also made to grow, to move forward, and to overcome. Don't consider any other options.
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