The OS Cocktail (Neither shaken nor stirred)

Categories: Blog Jul 30, 2015

[caption id="attachment_4146" align="alignleft" width="350"]cocktail-cruise *Actual Tom Cruise not included.[/caption]

Happy hour.

That time of day when many stroll down to their local watering hole, meet with friends, and grab a few “refreshments” to shake off the stresses of the day, before heading home.

Unfortunately, a little too much alcohol, applied repeatedly to the human body, for many years, can destroy both body and mind.

Here’s a better way to de-stress - the OS Cocktail.

I still remember my very first massage two-and-a-half hours of relaxing meltingness into the massage table.

I was done. Should’ve gone home. But I was between shifts and I was working as a trainer in a prestigious New York City club.

Almost every massage has paled in comparison to that first one.

Maybe you’ve had the same experience.

However, massages, for most, are a luxury - especially if you have a family (or young family) like I do. That’s why I like the next best thing:


When done segmentally, or in “rocking chair” fashion, rolling is an amazing de-stressor. It stimulates a flood of oxytocin, which aids in the reduction of [chronic] inflammation (and also wound healing), which in turn decreases stress hormones, and gives you that “ahhhhhh…” feel-good feeling. That’s primarily because rolling involves the largest organ in your body - your skin.

Incidentally, rolling, and the increased skin-stimulation that comes with it, increases your body’s proprioception, or it’s 3D awareness of itself in time and space, increasing coordination.

There are a myriad of other benefits from rolling, like tying your X together, increasing reflexive stability, and increasing mobility and flexibility, all of which decrease overall stress levels on your physical self, which in turn, can decrease emotional stress levels.


I headed out the door this morning at 630am for a nice stroll, earbuds in, listening to music, in the fresh mountain air. An hour later, upon my return, I was fully awake, fully engaged, and ready to start my day.

Walking is our “automatic reset” - the thing we’re meant to do to stay healthy, limber, young, and resilient. I can’t think of a time when taking a walk has been anything but beneficial. When done listening to music, or educational material, it’s a great way to speed up the learning process, because learning new things is accelerated when combined with movement. Of course, there’s just walking, alone with your thoughts, lost in prayer or meditation.

Regardless, walking is what we were meant to do. It’s a contra-lateral movement that stimulates the brain to make new neural connections, and strengthens the ones that are already there. Walking increases longevity, and it is one of the common factors found among people who live past 90 years of age.

Diaphragmatic Breathing.

Yup. Inhaling and exhaling. Inhaling and exhaling. Repeatedly. Purposefully. Mindfully. Into your belly. Do this for 5 to 10 minutes after you get home from work, or first thing in the morning, or right before bed. Whenever. But just do it.

The benefits of diaphragmatic breathing are many, including lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar, improving sleep quality, and releases serotonin.

Combine these 3 resets for a powerful de-stress cocktail.

Here’s the order I recommend:

  1. Diaphragmatic breathing - 5 to 10 minutes.

  2. Rolling - segmental, “rocking chair,” or frog - 5 minutes

  3. Walking - 20 to 60 minutes, depending on time

How often should you “indulge” in the OS Cocktail?

That depends. How often do you feel stressed?

And more importantly, do you want to be proactive or reactive? In other words, do you want to wait until you have a bad day and have to use it, or do you want to inoculate yourself against bad days?

So my suggestion is imbibe daily.

What’s the best time for OS Cocktail?

Any time you can fit it in.

I’ve always loved a nice long walk in the morning. So before work, mapping out your day in your head, may be the way to go for you.

Or perhaps, after a long day of dealing with adults who act like children, you’ll want your “cocktail” when you get home from work.

Either way - the OS Cocktail is sure to refresh your mind and restore your soul - absolutely free of charge, guilt, or rehab.

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