The Heart of Strength

Categories: Blog Jan 27, 2016


The center is the beginning. This is true for many things. A baseball cannot be made without first forming the center, the core. Ripples in a lake cannot be made without an originating episode, an episode that is the center. Time itself begins from a single moment, a starting point. The center is the source, the beginning. This is true when it comes to our physical strength.

Our source of strength, our beginning of strength expression, is our center. From the moment you were born, before you were born, you were designed to strengthen yourself from the center out. All the movements and movement patterns you were preprogrammed with were designed to give you a solid center, a foundation or root, of strength.

When you took your very first breath, your diaphragm started working to establish the deepest root of your strength. When you learned how to raise, move and control your head, you layered strength on top of what the diaphragm was already establishing. When you learned how to roll over, you began adding another layer of strength to your center by connecting your hips and shoulders together. You were connecting your torso from the center. Next you learned to push yourself up on all fours and you began bearing weight on your limbs and coordinating their movements together through rocking and then hopefully crawling. Even then you were using your huge head and your short levers (arms and legs) to solidify and further strengthen your center.

Layer upon layer, you developed a center of strength, your beginning of strength. It is this center that allowed you to learn how to walk, run, jump and climb. Do you still do any of those things? If you do not, you were born to. It is also this solid center that allows you to pick up and move heavy things, to climb stairs and to live physical adventures without getting injured. And, should you get injured, it is a solid center of strength that allows you to recover faster.

Your physical expression of strength, engaging in all the physical activities you love to do, begins and comes from your center. And really, it is your design that begins your center.

If you are not expressing and enjoying the strength you were born to have it may be time to go back to your roots, your beginning and reset your center. It may be time to learn how to breathe again. It may be time to remember how to move and control your head again. These two things alone are the first layers of strength!

Strength is not about moving heavy weights or exercising. It is about living life better. Trying to build strength by moving weights without a strong center will not truly make you stronger. You can gain some physical strength, but it will not be optimal strength. However, trying to build strength by moving heavy objects with a strong center can truly make you stronger so you can enjoy your life better because it is an effort performed from a solid foundation. But then again, if you have a solid foundation, a solid center, you may find that you can simply express all the strength you want to express and live your life the way you want to live it without engaging in the traditional exercise model. It is crazy enough to work…

The point is, there is a beginning to strength, to enjoying and expressing life the way you want to. The secret to life living strength is found in your center. And the center is made by becoming like a child. Being childlike is where the heart of strength is found. If you are not as strong as you want to be, go back to your roots, your beginning, and build your strength from the center out: breathe in life, nod your noggin, roll your body, rock your cares away, and crawl yourself to a new beginning.

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