The Eyes Have It!
Jan 13, 2014

We often talk about the power of the vestibular system and how very important it is to move our heads, using the full range of motion our necks were designed to give. In case you have missed this, here is a very BRIEF and SIMPLE explanation as to why we should move our heads: Every muscle in your body it tied to your vestibular system, which lives in your head. Therefore, move your head, keep your muscles. Again, that is overly simple, but a powerful truth nonetheless.
We (people) don't move our heads anymore and that is a huge problem because where the head goes, the body will follow. There is another problem that lives up in our heads, too: We don't even move our eyes anymore. The head is truly the driver of the body. But the eyes, THE EYES, are the driver of the head. Guess what? Our eyes are designed to move, and our head/neck is designed to follow our eyes.
Many of us don't use our eyes to their full intention. We use them to see, but we don't use them to move. Many of us live stuck in a "frame of reference" created by our eye glass frames. Those of us who wear glasses rarely move the eyes outside of the boundary of the frames. This greatly limits the range of motion of the eyes, and this greatly diminishes the range of motion of the neck AND THE REFLEXES of the of the entire body.
In order to be whole, completely healthy, we cannot separate any one part of our body from another. We are so well integrated that the intricate integration of all of us completes the package. If we limit one thing, even a seemingly small thing like eye movement, we weaken our entire body, we lower our vitality. And make no mistake, though seemingly a small thing, eye movement is crucial to health and performance.
When we develop, we hear something, we find what we hear with our eyes, we turn our head and neck to match the motion and direction of our eyes, and then our body follows suit. We are wired that way. The eyes drive the head, which drives the body! If we are not moving our eyes, how well are we moving our head? Our well are we moving our body? Probably not as well as we could be, or as well as we need to be. We are integrated, we are one with every cell that resides in us. To reduce part of ourselves, to reduce our intended eye movement capability, is like having the triangle player fall asleep in the orchestra during a performance. It messes up the beautiful melody.
You may be thinking, "Thank goodness I don't wear glasses!" Yeah, but really, do you move your eyes? Do you exercise them in their full range of motion? Do you match your eye movements with your head? Or, do you fix your eyes straight ahead with your head as you look at your computer screen? Your tv? Your phone? Your book, or your nook? Sorry, got carried away....
Anyway, our world has so many distractions and conveniences that we have lulled ourselves to sleep when it comes to moving the way we were designed to move. We are losing our strength, mobility, power, and ability simply because we have set them all on the shelf. After all, we don't need any of these things if we are not going to move.
It has been said that the eyes are the lamp of the body. If we move them and use them like they were intended to be moved and used, then the body can also be moved and used as it was intended to be. If the eyes are healthy, the body is healthy.
The eyes have it! Don't dismiss the simplicity of this message. This is definitely worth "looking" into.
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