
Categories: Blog Nov 22, 2015

In Original Strength, in our books, in our materials, in all that we offer, and in our hearts we tell everyone they are awesomely and wonderfully made. We do this because we believe and know it to be true. If you stop and consider the design of the body, how skillfully it is made and how intricately it is put together: the cells, the vessels, the nerves, the muscles, the bones, the fascia, the movements, the thoughts, the body, the soul, the spirit - you cannot help but catch a glimpse of how you are awesomely and wonderfully made.

Your body is a miraculous work of art. Growing up, I would often hear people talk about the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World - how they captured man's imagination and how being man made, they staggered modern man's imagination. Yet man is the one who designed them. Or even look at the Renaissance Period; the artwork by Michelangelo and the creations of Da Vinci. The pure beauty born in their imaginations they were able to then manifest with their hands. They were master creators. Yet, given all the manmade wonders of the world and all the beautiful masterpieces crafted throughout the story of time, there exists no creation as awe inspiring and wonderful as you.

You are awesomely and wonderfully made. There is nothing man can make that will ever be as amazing, as mind bending, as breath taking as you. No computer, no smartphone, no machine, no robot, no painting, no sculpture, no anything will ever compare to the beauty, grace, and complexity that you consist of. All of those other things are amazing in their own right, but they are created by us, the creators. They can never be nearly as wonderful as their source because their is no life in them. They are all expressions of the life within us.

There is life in us. We have thoughts, emotions, ideas, imaginations, and intuition all woven together along with our physical body. We are not just flesh. We are also soul and spirit. There is no other creation, manmade or God made, as breathtaking as you. There is no other animal that can create beauty and express thought like you. There is no other creation that has the same life inside as you do. There is plenty of wonder in the world, but it all falls short of your design. There is only one pinnacle of creation, and it is you. You are the masterpiece.

This Thanksgiving, stop and consider your design, and your purpose. You were created to create. You are an expression of beauty made to express beauty. You were purposefully and skillfully made to have a purpose of adding beauty and wonder to the world.

In one of my favorite psalms by King David, he says, "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well." - Psalm 139:14

Again, you are a masterpiece. Intricately designed and fashioned to be uniquely beautiful.

And if you don't believe that, it doesn't mean it is not true.

You are wonderfully made. And that is worth being thankful about.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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