Take Care of Yourself
Nov 02, 2014

And now, a guest post by Sarah Young, OS Coach.....
I was born and raised in the Motor City. And in Detroit, cars abound and folks take their cars very seriously. In fact, every summer there is an event, the Woodward Dream Cruise, which brings over a million car enthusiasts and over 40,000 classic cars to the Metro Detroit area. People travel from all corners of the globe to attend this auto-palozza. The WDC is the largest, one day automotive event in the world. Yep, if you grow up in Detroit you end up knowing something about cars. You can't escape it.
And when I was growing up in Motown, I was taught that if you wanted your car to last, you had to take car of your car. And taking care of your car meant routinely checking the air pressure in the tires as well as inspecting the tires for wear. It meant giving your car a chance to warm up. It meant getting the oil changed on a regular basis and taking your car in for tune ups and regular maintenance. It meant getting the tires rotated and the brakes checked every now and then. It meant paying attention to the gauges on the dashboard. Especially the fuel gauge and the temperature gauge. Running out of gas can be really annoying. Burning up your engine is far worse.
Now I think most people know the importance of taking care of their cars. After all, a car is a pretty pricey machine. But there is a machine that is far more priceless than the most expensive automobile on the planet. That machine is your body. Yes, the human body is truly a miracle and a wonder of mechanical design. And it is built to last. It is built to keep logging miles and humming down the road. But like a car, your body requires some care and some maintenance in order to prevent break downs.
And that's what the Original Strength System has to offer. It offers a way to give your body some regular daily maintenance to help keep it humming along. And doesn't your body deserve this? Don't you deserve this? I mean, what would happen to your car if you didn't change the oil? If you didn't rotate your tires or have your alignment checked? If you never allowed your car the chance to warm up before you went zipping down the road? If you didn't pay attention when the temperature gauge ran high? Now being as you can buy another car, but not another body, doesn't your body deserve even more care than your car?
Taking a few minutes each day to "press reset" with Original Strength can help you warm up your body for the demands of the day. It can help you uncover rough spots that need a little extra 'maintenance' to help you avoid more wear and tear. And the Original Strength breathing resets can help to keep your body's fuel tank full of oxygen. The Original Strength resets of rocking and nodding help to keep joints lubricated. The Original Strength rolling resets can help shore up your suspension and the crawling resets can help keep you aligned. And when Original Strength resets are done mindfully, your temperature gauge isn't as likely to read hot and your engine isn't as likely to burn up.
The Original Strength System is a versatile, simple, and powerful tool to help keep your body firing on all cylinders. Original Strength resets help to keep you on the road, while Original Strength Performance can help you soup up and trick out your 'ride'. It all depends what your vehicle needs are for your present chosen journey.
But the bottom line is this, the 'ride' that is your body is meant to last you a lifetime. You are a unique and timeless classic. Your body is an ingeniously engineered machine. Care for it well.
Sarah Young, M.S., has spent over 20+ years working with people’s bodies. Her ongoing goal has been to help people move better and feel better. To further this goal, she continues to learn and expand her knowledge of the body. On the recommendation of a friend, Sarah attended her first “Original Strength” workshop. She quickly realized the beauty of the movements and simplicity of power inherent in the OS System and began utilizing the resets with her clients: golfers, runners, walkers, rock climbers, clients coming back from hip replacements, clients with back issues, etc. And her clients, while they may have thought Sarah was a bit nuts with “all the crawling and breathing” stuff at first, have been happily amazed at how much the OS resets help them move better and feel better. Sarah believes that OS offers individuals very accessible tools so they can “Press reset” and experience hope thru movement. That’s why she is thrilled to be an Original Strength Coach.
Along with being an Original Strength Coach. Sarah is also nationally certified in massage and bodywork, certified as a ChiRunning & ChiWalking Instructor, and certified as a Titleist Performance Institute Level 1 practitioner. Sarah continues to expand her knowledge of anatomy and movement and is currently studying Neurokinetic Therapy and Functional Movement Systems. She also holds a Masters in Exercise Science and a graduate certificate in Complementary Medicine and Wellness.
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