Original Strength IS NOT Primitive

Categories: Stories Jul 17, 2013

Hey I wanted to let you know I have had Becoming Bulletproof for a week and a half now and it has been phenomenal! A missing link if you will. My main practice is biomechanical exercises (like in Tactical Gymnastics or the Grapplers Toolbox from scott sonnon) and Bare Knuckle Boxing/Weapons (not competitive) so I have been practicing primal patterns for a while but they did not really CLICK AND CONNECT until I started the resets. New stuff is going on with my core stability, my yoga, my squatting patterns, I mean just everything! I have a history of pain in various joints and this is helping all of them. I have even cut down on my closed chain joint mobility (still do Intuflow) because I just don’t need it. I still think sophistication of movement is a positive thing however only if the fundamentals are in place first–thanks. Crawling does for primal movement what deadlifts do for the barbell. It really does tie the whole body together! THANKS FOR YOUR GREAT WORK!

- Ramon Castellanos

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