On Talismans and Amulets
Oct 04, 2015

And now, a guest post by Mark Limbaga.....
Growing up in the Philippines, one would definitely hear folklore about talismans, amulets and enchantments that are supposed to give one superhuman powers or immunity from weapons or disease.
As kids, we all had that wish that we could find one amulet or get lucky enough during Good Friday, such as the legendary drinking the dew of the banana blossom that will endow us with superhuman strength so we can battle and defeat mystical creatures that grant us riches or become our servants once we are victorious.
As we grew up, we put these dreams and fantasies aside. We settled on becoming "normal" and the next best thing to achieving success came in forms of job promotions or winning raffles.
But, guess what? It doesn't have to be that way. We do not have to settle. We have the capacity to achieve super-abilities such as strength, gracefullness of movement and resilience. Are you with me on this?
The good Lord is such a masterful architect and we are so wonderfully made that by simply engaging in movement, we can regain what once was lost. We can enhance our magnificent structures by simply pressing our body's reset button by engaging in movement.
Relearning to breathe deep into our bellies has been known to help lessen tightness in our upper bodies. Learning how to move our heads can often improve shoulder mobility and improve our overall control of our body. Just look at the wonderful things crawling can do. Crawling is one of the fundamental movements that strengthens our gait patterns. It ties together and strengthens our bodies which can give us the feeling of being superhero-like; finding newfound, regained strength and resiliency.
The more resilient or bulletproof we are, the more tasks we are able to do, the more we can be productive and get the most out of life. Isn't that what can make us feel "super"?
So I invite you to join me and everyone from the Original Strength family to engage in moving and discovering your own amulet or talisman within you and together, we can all take control of our lives and be the super humans we were all destined to be.
- Mark Limbaga SFGII SFB
Mark is the first Strongfirst level 2 kettlebell instructor and bodyweight intructor based in the Philippines. Also an Original Strength alumni, Senior coach at Eclipse gym 247, and the health strength and conditioning coach for the Philippine boxing team.
When he is not helping others move better and get stronger, he spends his time watching movies, playing with his dogs and everything fun and interesting with his wife, Kathleen.
his blog is marklimbagastrength.wordpress.com
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