Movement is Golden

Categories: Blog, Guest Post Sep 17, 2017

And now, a guest post by OS Level 2 Coach, Mark Limbaga......

Imagine with me, if you will.

Our story begins during the gold rush. Two guys found out that there was gold buried in their respective backyards. The first guy quickly got to work and grabbed a spoon. The second guy figured he'll wait until he can save up some money and buy a shovel.

The first guy kept on digging daily with his spoon, while he was also saving whatever spare change he could muster to buy a shovel. The holes got deeper and his savings got bigger. Eventually, he was able to buy a shovel to speed up the digging process. The other guy, on the other hand, waited until he had enough money to buy a shovel before he started digging.

Not too long after that, the first guy struck gold and his fortunes changed. The second guy, seeing his neighbor’s good fortune, felt disappointed that he waited for so long to dig rather than working with what he had.

There is a lesson that we can learn here in how to apply the resets taught in the Original Strength system. There is no perfect time, there is no perfect approach as to when to start. Breathe, move your head, roll around, rock back and forth, crawl, take a walk. These are but a few "spoons" you can work with to get you started. Start where you are, work with what you have and can currently do safely. Just press reset every chance you get, keep chipping away at it and you will strike gold eventually.

What is it like to "strike gold" you ask? Let me paint a picture for you. Imagine being able to move as you desire, and express yourself in any form you wish. Being able to hike a mountain, or do something weird like crawl for distance, or being able to easily lift heavy things without fear of getting injured. Just living… Pressing RESET allows you to stay active and resilient so that you can do simple, meaningful things like carry your own groceries even if you are past the age of 70. All these things are golden and they make you wealthy.

Many of life's treasures are memories from experiences. If you have your original strength, your "gold inventory" so to speak, there are no limits to the experiences, the moments, you can have. These moments are priceless, and are definitely worth their weight in gold.

This is our desire, our mission is that everyone who learns the original strength system is able to express and experience life to the fullest, with movement as the catalyst, so they can transform their world.

So my friends, keep digging, keep chipping away and please do share with us how things pan out for you, we are cheering for you and we are here to support you, always keep that in mind.

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