Movement is an Expression

Categories: Blog Mar 05, 2017

You were made to move. That is now a given. But movement is not just a physical action; it’s not just moving your limbs or moving from one place to the other. Movement is expression. How you move is an expression of how you are.

Your movements paint a picture of you - on the inside. And pictures are worth a thousand words.  When you move you are communicating to others who you are or how you are. Yes, we often use words to tell stories, communicate ideas, to reveal secrets or to hide identities. But when you move you may be telling a different story than your words reveal. When you move, you may be communicating the authentic you.

For example, have you ever noticed someone was angry, not by the words they spoke, but by the movements they made? Have you ever noticed someone was sad by how they walked? Have you ever had a friend tell you, “I’m fine,” yet their body was telling you, “I’m upset”? Movements can give a clue to one’s emotions. But they can also give you clues to one’s mental status.

Picture in your mind someone who walks rigidly, with excessive swaying in their spine, and labored breathing; not out of breath, but audible and visually up high in their chest. What mindset do you imagine that person to have? Do you imagine they are generally a positive person or a pessimist? Do you think they have more thoughts of joy or thoughts of gloom? Do you think they are able to mentally dissect and solve problems quickly or do you think issues overwhelm them?

Now, picture in your mind someone who walks gracefully. There head is held up, they move smoothly, yet with strength. They have “swagger.” What mindset do you imagine this person to have? Do you think them to be a confident person or a fearful person? Do you imagine they celebrate challenges by conquering them or do you imagine they shrink from a fight?

Or, A child who skips and smiles. A child who cannot skip and therefore does not smile. Which child will run after life? Which child will shrink from life?

How you move can reveal who you are, but how you move can also help you become who you were meant to be. Are confident, strong people confident and strong because they choose to be or because they move well? Yes. Do your thoughts and emotions affect how you move or do your movements affect your thoughts and emotions? Yes.

Your mental health will greatly affect your body, but your physical health will greatly affect your soul. They are so intertwined it could be quite difficult to know which one comes first, the chicken or the egg? The body or the mind? Yes.

The point is, your mental health - your MENTAL STRENGTH - is tied to how you move. You were made to move WELL. And, you were made to be happy, confident, of sound mind, passionate, joyful, and expectant. You were made for a successful life.

Just as none of us were created to be physically weak, frail or fragile, none of us were made to be sad, depressed, fearful, apathetic, and hopeless. And because your mind and body are so well connected, restoring your body’s ability to optimally move can and will help restore your mind’s ability to become all you were meant to be and have.

Truly happy and confident people move well. And people who move well are truly more confident and happier than those who don’t move well.

Pressing RESET is more than physical restoration, it is also affects mental restoration, it helps one become.  It helps one express who they are, or who they were meant to be.

So, what is your body telling the world about you? What do you want it to tell the world? Write your story, express yourself. Move well, be well. Be well, move well. Yes.

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