Mind Control.
Nov 05, 2014

Or some powerful “black hat” marketing tool designed to separate you from your money.
And sure, mind control has been used in both cases, but that’s not what we’re discussing today.
What I want to look at is the most powerful reset we’ve been given: The ability to control your mind.
There’s a proverb that says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7)
What you think about is literally what you become. WHO you become.
Your thoughts control what happens with your body.
Don’t believe me?
Here’s an example:
Yesterday I was on the phone doing an intake with a new client. We were discussing our course of action. One of the things she wants to do is get out of chronic pain. Now, I’m not a medical professional so technically, I’m not “equipped” to deal with pain. Which is fine with me. I’ve dealt with chronic pain people before, including myself, and they can be a challenge - a challenge that I’m not willing to embrace. The only reason I took this client on is that she had been to an OS Workshop and had seen success, so she and I had some previous common ground.
Anyway, I was explaining why we were going to focus on restoring her body’s natural ability to move instead of pain. I explained the power of thoughts on the rest of the body. I asked her to think about one of the areas she was experiencing pain and asked her how it made her feel.
“Anxious” was her reply. And not surprisingly, that increased anxiety increased her pain. I then explained some of the negative chemical events that occurred in her body based on that anxiety, including the possibility of depression. It made perfect sense to her.
She saw the difference between positive and negative thoughts and the difference it made in her body.
The same is true for you, me, everybody.
Your thoughts dictate your feelings.
Your feelings dictate your actions.
Your actions dictate your behaviors.
Your behaviors dictate your habits.
And your habits dictate your life.
So, if you’re reading this and you don’t like a specific area of your life, change your thoughts, your thinking about that area.
It changes the structure of your brain.
And that right there is the most powerful reset you have.
You can change the course of your life simply by the thinking differently.
You still may not believe the power of your thoughts to shape and change your life so I’ll leave you with this story.
In 2000, a young US platform diver and Olympic hopeful, Laura Wilkinson, shattered her foot keeping her out of the pool. Unable to dive, she trained in her mind. She visualized her dives. Her results? She won the Olympic Gold, beating the dominant and favored Chinese women’s team.
Reset your thoughts, reset your life.
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