Merry Christmas

Categories: Blog Dec 18, 2016

I love Christmas. It is my favorite time of year. My wife, on the other hand, doesn't seem to love it quite as much as I do. Christmas really stresses her out. To be fair, she handles the lion's share of getting all the gifts and sending out all the Christmas cards. Ok, I'm off on that. She handles 99% of everything. Gifts, lights, cards, candies, etc... I carry the tree in the house, and I buy her gifts. I get to enjoy all the other things she does. Like I said, I love Christmas!

Ok, Ok. I do try to help my wife, but really she is just better at doing some things. She coordinates all the gifts for our children's teachers, she remembers to send cards - she cares enough to send cards. I don't know how she has the energy to do all these things. And that is why she fries herself out and Christmas. She gives till she gives out.

As a result she misses Christmas. She is there, but she kinda misses it. And maybe we all do. It has taken me 41 years to realise why Charlie Brown was so upset with the "commercialism" of Christmas. Now I get it. Can you imagine if Charlie Brown could see how Christmas is today? Good grief....Get it?

Anyway, there is only One reason for Christmas and it's not shopping or gift giving or caroling. It's Love. And with everything that is going on around us, with everything that is expected of us, will all the huge SALES, end of year deadlines, parties, and all the hustle and bustle, we can miss out on really enjoying and sharing this Love with our family, our friends and our neighbors. And that's a shame.

We burn so much energy to keep up and check our boxes, fulfill our holiday obligations, by gifts for everyone we know so that no one is left out, hurt or disappointed. We can almost miss Christmas all together. Before we know it's December 26th. It's gone. And some of us are releaved. Others of us wonder where it went.

I often talk about pressing the reset button on the body and starting over. But now, at Christmas, i want to tell you to press the pause button. Pause. Take time to breathe. Take time to savor the Love that you are meant to savor. Open your eyes. See your family. See your friends. Share your joy with them. Embrace their joy. Life is so short. It goes by so fast. Before you know it, 80 something Christmases will pass. And all the Love that could have been shared and enjoyed will be missed. And that is tragic.

None of us were meant to live wondering where life went. And the question that is often asked, "is this all their is to life?" probably wouldn't be asked quite as often if we would just stop and try to hold on to the precious moments we are given. If we would just press pause and experience the Love life has to offer. Christmas is an easy opportunity to embrace those moments of Love. Don't miss it. Press pause. Savor your family and your friends. Savor the Love you've been given and the Love you get to give.

Remember, you were made to move. Love is a movement. And it was made for you.

Merry Christmas, everyone!


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