Meet Bob...He's the Man.
Aug 13, 2013

I am 60 years old and lead a relatively active life. I workout 4 times per week with kettlebells, sandbags, chains and many other implements of destruction. I also play golf 3-4 times per week.
I perform resets several times per day. The first set of resets is done immediately after getting up in the morning. This set lasts at most 5 minutes. This all depends upon how much time my wife takes in the shower. I'll also do a short set before and after a workout or a round of golf. My workout also includes some of the more demanding resets such as crawls or chain dragging.
The net result of all of this? I am pain free. When I sit around and talk with all of my friends, the conversation usually ends up on what medications they're all taking for their usual age-related ailments. I just sit and listen because in addition to being pain free, I'm also medication free. I'm not sure the resets can be given credit for all this, but I'm not about to change anything now.
I've been told by many that aches and pains are an inevitable part of getting older. This may be true, but my definition of "getting older" will remain my age plus 20 years.
I have attended 5 Original Strength workshops all over the United States.
I've been asked why I keep going back and I have several reasons:
* I get something new from each session that I add to my repertoire.
* I train alone and it is good to get out to see what others are doing. I get the pick the brains of some very smart people.
* The biggest reason - I wrap a vacation around the workshop. We've gone to New England in October, Savannah in the spring & Yosemite a couple of months ago. This weekend in Nashville, where will bring our 6-year old grandson. He is beyond excited.
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