Made To Thrive
Dec 03, 2013

Have you ever seen any of those nature documentaries that take place in Africa where the wildebeest are trying to cross over a crocodile infested river? Do you know the ones I am talking about? The wildebeests cautiously approach the river, they test the waters, so to speak. Some of them get eaten by crocodiles, and others make their way across to success, whatever that is.
These videos have always fascinated me. Lately, I can't shake them out of my mind. Have you ever wondered what is it that makes the wildebeests so set on getting to the other side of that river? What drive could be so strong that they are willing to die just to cross over to the other side? What do they know that makes them throw caution to the wind, and dare to dance with death?
Some people may think that it is purely their instinct, their desire to migrate from one part of the plains to another, that causes them to risk their lives by swimming through crocodiles. But what if it is more than that? What if the wildebeest truly knows something that we don't? I think maybe they do.
I think the wildebeest knows that "Life" is on the other side of that river. I think what some may call instinct, is actually a tremendous desire to live life. Google for yourself one of these videos. You can actually see that the wildebeest know danger is lurking in the water. They cautiously approach, they send a few "testers" in, and then they go for it. Regardless if crocs are in the water or not, they go for it. The "testers", or the bait, simply reveal where the crocs are and then the herd makes a break for it.
If you have 5 minutes, check this out. It is a tremendous move for life:
The point is that the wildebeest are not oblivious to the fact that the waters are dangerous. They are not oblivious to the fact that they may die just trying to cross the river. They know to be on the lookout for the crocs. They know how to "test the waters." They don't blindly just go cross over the river. They decide to. They decide to cross knowing that they may die. The call to live is so strong inside of them they are willing to overcome any fear, the ultimate fear, just to experience life.
Wildebeests do not simply exist. They live. They face their fears. They overcome their obstacles. They reach the other side. And they live, and they thrive.
What about you? We, too, are meant to live. Like the wildebeest, we were not made to live a life in fear. We were not made to cower behind a bunch of "what ifs", or dread the winter season because it is also "flu season". Do you remember when you were a child and you used to lick door knobs? Don't lie, you did something like that! Anyway, there was a time when none of us were afraid of germs. There was a time when all of us could conquer any playground with reckless abandon. When we were younger, all of us knew how to live. We thrived. It was our nature.
We need to remember how to thrive. After all, we were made to thrive - not to merely survive. We were not meant to create new diseases to be afraid of (you know this happens). We were not meant to become germ-a-phoebes. We were not meant to be afraid of monkey bars, or dodge ball, or our boss, or our bills.
We, you, were made to live a courageous, resilient life. Like the wildebeest, we should be able to attack life, to kick the crocodiles of our world in the face and step on their heads. We should be able to overcome our obstacles, to overcome fears, real or imagined. We, too, were made to get to the "other side."
I don't know where or what your other side is. But I know you can get there. Maybe you want to go after your dream job. Maybe you want to lose 50 pounds. Maybe you want to change vocations. Maybe you want to start being active. Whatever it is in you that is calling you, you can cross the river. You can answer the call.
Don't just stand at the shore of the river and look at the other side. Don't wonder what the other side must be like. Get your feet wet. Learn to swim. Break some crocodile teeth. Go after the life you made for. Live. Thrive.
Original Strength is about so much more than regaining mobility and strength. It is about becoming resilient in ALL areas of life. It is about regaining the life we were meant to live. Reflexive strength and mobility are only part of the whole. While they greatly increase the whole body and the life experience that we have, there is still more. Sometimes we need to also "reset" our thinking. Again, we were made to thrive. We can learn to thrive through regaining our original strength, every facet of our original strength, not just the physical parts....
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