OS Helped Lower Back Issues
Feb 19, 2019

I have your book Pressing RESET - Original Strength Reloaded and today I just purchased your Original Strength DVD. I have watched your YouTube videos and I am very, very impressed on how your videos have helped me with back pain and stiffness. Chiropractors, Massage Therapist, Physical Therapist and Strength Coaches could never really sustainably help me with long term relief of my lower back pain. Doing glute exercises and core exercises helped, but gave me partial relief. I would still get stiff in the lower back.
Your practices on your YouTube channel have helped me to have absolutely zero stiffness in my lower back for the past month since I have been following and practicing the routines on your YouTube channel. I especially love the one you did recently on opening up the hips. All your videos on YouTube are excellent and so helpful.
- Cliff Leconte, New York City
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