Life Restored

Categories: Blog Oct 25, 2015

Have you ever wondered, if pressing RESET, if performing childish movements could really create powerful changes in the body? Doesn't it seem a little silly that something as simple as rocking back and forth on your hands and knees, or crawling around like a baby can penetrate deep down into your original operating system, resetting it, creating a cascade of changes that lead to physical and mental restoration?

If I'm being honest, it is absolutely wild how something so simple can be so powerful. It is also awesome! We are so wonderfully designed.  The very movements that build our bodies and give us resiliency as children are the very movements that restore our bodies and return our resiliency as adults. (The truth is, we were never meant to not perform these movements and their variations).

You were never meant to "walk" away from the movements that made you strong to start with. You were never meant to avoid being down on the floor, you were never meant to reside in chairs, you were never meant not to walk (crawling upright) according to your design. Every breath you take should be a reset for your body, it should be a breath of restoration, a breath of life. The same goes for every step you take. Each time you put one foot in front of the other, whether it be walking or running, that step should be a reset, a step of renewing strength and vigor. If you just take a moment and ponder the design of your body, and how you were made to move and be, you will know that this is the truth.

Look at this amazing story of hope from Lewis Toh, a trainer, coach and friend:

I just worked with my first stroke survivor today using just Original Strength. Let me just say the importance of eyes, head control and breathe can not be overemphasized.

My client came in barely able to keep his balance while walking and he was severely kyphotic (he had a very rounded upper back). Due to his stroke, his wife said he was having issues getting out of bed and trouble getting in and out of the car.

I asked him to get down on the floor in my studio. He looked at me with a blank look and said he do not know how to. It took quite some time before he managed to get down on the floor. I didn't want to help him too much as I wanted to see what strategy his body would employ to get him there.

Once we are down on the floor, we started by helping him bring about an awareness to his breathing and I coached him how to breathe diaphragmatically, pulling air into his belly. Next, we did some neck rotations while he was lying on his back. As we were doing that, his wife, who was observing, commented about how much more range of motion he has lying down and how his range of motion was limited when he is standing. Then, while still lying on his back, I got him to look to the right while he reached his right hand to where he was looking. His hand was about 5 inches away from the floor due to his spine being so rounded. I then cued him to look left while still keeping his right arm stretched out. I noticed he was trembling doing that, so I told him to back off a little and take a deep breathe in and out and then look back and repeat the reach. Each time he repeated this, his arm dropped lower, his neck rotations got better and then he was finally able to touch the floor!

Then I asked him to look right, drop his right hand down and I asked him to reach his left hand towards his right hand.  As he did this he just reflexively push off with his left leg. His wife began shouting, " Did you see that?! He is moving his whole body!" My reply, "Yes, it should happened without me cuing him to do so."
This went on for a while, always bringing into awareness to him to,

1) look
2) reach
3) breathe.

I asked him, "Are you alright?" And he said,"No. I need to go to the toilet."

Here is thing: He got up from the floor on his own and went to the toilet!

Needless to say both his wife and myself were blown away! When he came back to where we were he was so happy. He was walking around in the studio "showing off" to his wife. Then he started to pick speed and "run!" He turned and looked at me and said, "I always liked running and I want to run again."

My reply,"Yes. You can."

Thank you Original Strength for everything. - Lewis

Do you think this man and his wife found hope in remembering how to move? Absolutely!

Do you see the power in your design? Your body was made to renew itself. You were made to walk through life in strength and health. It can be as simple as breathing and turning your head. Your original strength is inside of you. Learn how to PRESS RESET.


If you want to see more stories of hope and restoration like this one from Lewis, check out our new book Pressing Reset: Original Strength Reloaded. This is without a doubt the most powerful book we have ever offered. It is the revision of Original Strength, but like the body, with time and experience, it is much stronger and more complete. In OS we believe only in good, better, and best. This is the best....


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