
Categories: Blog Dec 11, 2016

I just got in from a wonderful weekend of OS workshops and had no blog to post for today. So, I wrote this. It may not be what you are expecting, but I hope you find some truth in it.....


There is nothing new under the sun. You ever hear that before? It's pretty-much truth. Things that are now, were things thought of back then. Things forgotten from long ago will be "created" again. Even the technology we have today was dreamt up back in the 60's and well before then. Ever hear of Star Trek? Most of the things on that show, other than the Enterprise and teleportation exist today. The other two are coming, it is only a matter of time.

Have you heard? Crawling is the new fitness trend. But crawling isn't new. I first started crawling back in 1975. Before then, I'm sure my dad crawled and before him, his dad probably crawled too. From the first man that ever walked the earth, crawling was a thing. It was a foundational movement designed to make man strong and healthy. To make man (and woman) strong and healthy - sounds like "fitness" doesn't it? It really isn't new. Just the lens in how we see it; perhaps that is new. But don't you know some really smart guy back in the 900's probably figured out crawling could make a person strong? I'm sure somewhere else in history this has been the case.

Anyway, time tends to birth things that repeat themselves; history, seasons, comets, ideas, even inventions. That is what the author meant who coined the phrase, "nothing new under the sun." And like I said, he is pretty-much right (i'm from the south). But he forgot about one thing: You. Never in history has there been anyone like you, nowhere in the world is there anyone like you, and never again will there ever be anyone like you. You are unique. You are new. There is only one of you, ever. In the grand scheme of time, you are always new.

Doesn't it kind of resonate with you then, that surely, if there is only one you, you must not only be unique, but you must also serve a purpose? If nowhere else in time will there ever be, nor has there ever been, anyone like you, you must have a tremendous purpose and role to play in your ripple of time. There can be no other reason why you are so unique. No one can do or be who you are to be, or what you are to do.

If this is true, and it is, it must also then be true that you were not designed to be broken, weak, sick, scared or depressed. Your body was made to be strong and your mind was made to be agile. After all, you have a unique and special purpose that no one else can fulfill. And, if you are not feeling strong and healthy, able and capable, why? Because you are a threat. Because you have a powerful role to carry out. If you are broken, emotionally drained or defeated, if you feel fragile, it's a trap. Now hold on, I'm not telling you these things don't happen, i'm only suggesting they happen to keep you from being and doing what you were meant to do.

You weren't meant to exist and not live. You weren't meant to be in phantom in time that makes no ripple or has no effect. You are here for a reason. You have a unique purpose. You are special. You are meant to be strong so you could do whatever it is you were meant to do - Strong enough to get the job done.

I know this seems totally insane, but that doesn't make it untrue. You've got a job to do. Only you can do it. Ask yourself what it is. Don't accept the attacks that keep you from performing your role in time. Don't dismiss them as the aging process, or getting passed up on the promotion, or having a "bad" hip. Don't let a scarcity mentality cause you to grab all you can instead of give all you've got. Don't settle for those little lies and whispers that would sabotage your destiny. Don't own those lies. Instead, own your assignment. Own your identity. Figure out who you are. Know you are unique and no one can replace you. Know that you should live a life worth living. Make it special. You are supposed to make the world a better place. That is the truth. The life you have is new under the sun and it's meant to make every day after you better. Use it. Make time stop and take notice. Be you, the one and only you.

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