If the Shoe Fits
The following post is contributed by Mark Limbaga of the Philippines. Mark is a great coach and a long time friend of Original Strength: Jul 16, 2014

I'll come clean.. I am a sneaker-head. In particular, I love collecting good ole Chuck Taylors. As you can see from the pictures of the shoe rack at our home and the trunk of my car, I need no further explanation (a few of theses shoes do belong to my wife, though).
Now, you may ask, "Why the fascination with shoes?" They are basically the same mold, practically the same material, and usually the same feel, right?
Ahh my friends, this is the beauty of my collection. Each shoe has a certain feel which I can distinguish when I move.
For example, my low-top, brown sneakers and my other pair of red sneakers, which I bought at Ross last year, fit best when I do pistols. My hi tops, on the other hand, work well when I am performing presses and squats.
Like my shoes, certain resets work best for certain movements. Crawling tends to give me that overall feel-good feeling, while cross-crawls and neck nods tend to help prepare my body for heavy lifting.
Just like my shoe collection, some resets don't get used as often but that doesn't mean they are meant to gather dust. The situation will arise when they are best suited.
So go ahead, collect and explore with the resets of your choice. Try them along with their regressions and progressions and find out which ones give you the best fit.
After all, we are meant to kick up our shoes and move.
Mark Limbaga
If you would like to know more about how to "try on" the different resets while you train, when to use them, and how, check out an Original Strength Foundations Workshop near you!
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