I Got Nothing...
Sep 30, 2015

You ever just wake up and wish you could stay in bed?
Ever feel like you “got nothing?”
I’ve been there and done that too. Been awhile, but I had that spirit try to sneak on me the other day. (I didn’t let it.)
On those days, it’s tough to get started. And when you do, you may find it’s hard to keep going.
So what do you do?
Do you just give in and slog through your day?
Here’s what you do:
Get Your Roll On!
Rolling stimulates the pituitary gland - the “master gland” - and increases the release of growth hormone, which restores and renews the body.
Why is this important?
Because growth hormone can decrease and reverse chronic fatigue and depression according to Benzt-Ak Bengtsson, MD, at Sahlgrenska Hospital in Sweden. [1]
So rather than belabor the point - I’ll keep this short.
If you’re feeling down or blah or whatever - get on the ground and roll around. It will stimulate the release of growth hormone and give you a quick “pick me up.”
And if it doesn’t?
Keep rolling until you do.
It works.
You’ll feel better.
And if you’re not feeling blah right now?
No problem.
Put this little nugget of info in your back pocket for when you do.
Roll On!
[1] https://www.holisticdepressionhelp.com/hgh-deficiency-depression-causes/
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