House Upon a Rock
Jan 28, 2015

Have you ever heard about the parable of the Wise man who built his house upon a rock? Or maybe the one about the Foolish man who built his house upon the sand? Ok. They are the same parable. Anyway, they both built a house, they both worked diligently on their houses, but when the rains came and when the winds blew, only one house was remaining: the house built on a rock.
Imagine your reflexive strength is a rock. It is your solid foundation for all movement, for all expression of strength and mobility. Working diligently to build a strong body, a strong structure, without having your reflexive strength is like building a house on sand. When hard times come, when the storms of movement come, the body missing it's reflexive strength will likely become the falling body or the injured or limited body.
The good news is, we were all created to be "Wise Men" (or Wise Women). We were all given the same operating system, the same system designed to give us the rock, the solid foundation of reflexive strength, we needed to become the ultimate structures of strength, the ultimate expressions of movement. I know that was wordy; but we were all created to be awesome. We were all designed to be built upon a rock. None of us were made to be built upon sand. None of us were made to fall or to become weak.
But many of us do. Many of us don't move the way we were designed to. And, many of us don't imagine we can become what we were made for. We don't use our bodies properly and we don't use our imaginations. Instead, many of us just don't move and many of us settle - mentally decide to choose being "the way we are."
This does not have to be so. If you truly want to know how miraculously you are made, check this out: you can regain and rebuild your solid foundation of reflexive strength at any age; even if you are 88 years young. Your design is so awesome; you can tap into your original operating system and restore your foundation, you can rebuild "your house upon a rock." You absolutely can! You don't have to settle. You can choose to be strong and resilient. You can choose life. This is a pretty wonderful design, if you ask me.
Oh yeah, I said both the wise man and the foolish man worked diligently to each build their house. Whatever you do, whatever your actions, whatever your choices, those are your diligent works. How you live, how you think, how you act, those are also your works. And, you are diligent in your works, one way or the other.
Choose to build your house upon a rock. Choose to have a solid foundation of reflexive strength so you may have a solid body of strength and health. Work diligently: think and move to become and regain your Original Strength. It is the way you were created, so you are able to withstand the storms of movement.
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