Freedom In The Simple
Sep 16, 2015

Probably the hardest concept to grasp about Original Strength is it’s simplicity. You simply do the resets and you get your movement back.
The problem lies in the rational mind.
Man (mankind) seeks to control his environment and many times, when he can’t understand something, he feels like he can’t control it. And because he can’t fully understand it, he can’t give mental ascent to it. Therefore he can’t fully embrace it. And as a result, mental “brakes” occur, stopping him from engaging in the process, and therefore the success resulting from that process.
The clash here is between his perceived rational mind and his feelings, which are anything but rational. Remember, just because you feel something, doesn’t make it true. (For example: You can believe in your heart all you want that you can fly…)
Many times we have a hard time believing what our eyes see, what’s right in front of us, and opt for some more complex theory to justify what we see.
This holds true for Original Strength.
You may not fully understand how it works. Shoot, I don’t fully understand how it works. I just know that it does. How do I know?
I looked at history - human history and then I used deductive logic.
Here’s how that looks:
In order to become a fully functioning human being, we went through the developmental sequence.
Pretty much every traditional method of restoring human function is based on isolation of body parts, which is exactly the opposite of how we developed. And pretty much every traditional method I know of for restoring human movement fails to fully do so. Therefore, the possibility exists there could be, or even must be, a better way to restore human movement.
How then did we get our movement abilities in the first place?
We return to the developmental sequence. This is what Original Strength is based upon.
When we were babies we didn’t pull out our goniometers and engage in specific, targeted movements. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Much of our early movement seemed almost accidental, like rolling over in our cribs.
It’s simple.
Not overly complex.
Sure, the process of what is actually occurring inside the brain and as a result, the body, to restore your lost movement is complex. But to get those processes going again? Very simple.
You don’t need complex cueing.
You don’t need complex coaching.
You just need your living room floor and about 10 minutes a day, maybe less.
Regaining your Original Strength - the strength you were designed to have but lost - is simple.
Forget trying to wrap your mind around the neurology and the mechanics. Most of it you wouldn’t understand unless you were a brain surgeon.
You don’t need to understand exactly how you move in order to currently do so, right?
Therefore, why do you need to know the exact processes that occur in order to restore your movement?
There is freedom in the simple.
Embrace it.
It’s how you were made.
And you were made to move.
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