Categories: Blog Jan 06, 2016

What I’m about to share with you is just crazy when I think about it.

It shouldn’t have happened.

And the outcome should’ve been bad. Probably really bad.

I was at the gym last Sunday. I go once a week because they have a real weightlifting platform and I like to mess around with the Olympic lifts.

On my 18th set for the day, and 8th set of a Clean and Jerk combo, it happened.

The combo was 1 Power Clean + 1 Clean + 1 Jerk.

The difference between a Power Clean and Clean is the first you catch standing and the second you catch in a full squat.

So I’m on my 8th set. I do the Power Clean. Then, I do the Clean. Only I catch it slightly off. In a split second I’m either looking at an elbow touch - where your elbow touches your knee - and disqualifies the lift - or actually dumping the bar - where you drop the bar off your chest and onto the floor. Neither are good options because you miss the lift.

[caption id="attachment_6169" align="alignleft" width="350"]Imagine this position - only on your toes. Imagine this position - only on your toes.[/caption]

That’s when “it” happened.

In a split second.

Or less.

Automatically, reflexively even, I shifted my weight forward under the bar by lifting my heels off the ground. So I’m in a full squat, with a significant amount of weight across my chest, on my toes.

Then, I stand up. On my toes. With that weight across my chest.

“Meh… I don’t see what the big deal is here buddy,” you might be thinking.

Here’s the significance:

My injury history: A dislocated right kneecap and resulting cartilage damage, 20+ years of chronic knee pain, and connective tissue damage in both hips, as a result of lower back injuries.

I shouldn’t be able to do that!

It’s crazy!

But I am.


Faithfully practicing Original Strength for coming up on 6 years in April.

It’s that simple.

That is the “magic.”

The restorative effect of Original Strength has taken past my former abilities as an athlete.

Even at 43.

So, as crazy as it sounds, I truly believe that no matter where you are physically, you can restore what you’ve lost and gain even more than you had, like I have, simply by faithfully practicing the OS RESETs every day.

The payoff is so great, you’d be almost foolish not to.

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