Brilliantly Simple

Categories: Stories Jul 17, 2013

This book expands on the concepts discussed in Tim’s other book ‘Becoming Bulletproof’. I can honestly say this booked changed the way I think about training, warming up, movement and treatment (I’m an osteopath).

Throughout university, even in a ‘holistic’ program like osteopathy, the approach to rehab is segmenta – if a joint is restricted, mobilise it. If a muscle is weak, strengthen it.

The ‘Original Strength’ approach goes deeper; rebuilding what the authors term “reflexive strength” as a means to improve both every day life and training.

I have successfully used these methods in my own training, that of my clients, and most impressively – rehabilitating patients in a clinical setting.

The movements are simple, but so is a squat, and no one doubts a squat’s effectiveness.

I highly recommend this book – even if you don’t use the methods, the principles will serve you well.

- Nicholas Efthimiou, Osteopathy at Maritime Osteopathy

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