Becoming Your Best

Categories: Blog Nov 08, 2015

I once heard the very famous and wise strength and movement coach, Dan John, talk about how doing the thing you are not doing will improve everything else you are doing. Dan was talking about the 5 human movements (the squat, the hinge, the push, the pull, the carry). He said if he wanted to help an athlete improve his performance, he would focus on implementing the movement(s) the athlete was not employing in his training regimen. Then, the athlete's overall performance would improve.

In other words, what Dan was saying is if you lack what you need, you can't perform optimally. This is true: When You Lack What You Need You Cannot Be Your Best.

Let's look at this nutritionally. AVOID saturated fat! Ever hear that before? The problem with avoiding saturated fat, with completely abolishing it from your consumption, is that your body needs it. Your brain needs it. Your nerves need it. You need it. If a person were to completely remove all saturated fat from their diet, their body will not function optimally. It will even start to have major problems. And don't lose focus on the point over saturated fat. Take any nutrient you were designed to have, say sodium or Vitamin C, and completely remove it or barely enjoy it, and your body will not function optimally, the way it was designed.

This is one of the reasons why pressing RESET is so powerful. Your body was designed to press RESET ALL-THE-TIME: every day, even with every breath. Your design is so wonderful that when you breathe, when you move your head, when you get up and down from the floor, and when you walk, you should be pressing RESET. All of these movements were intended to be done constantly and/or consistently in an effort to continually renew and restore your body; allowing you to function optimally, at your best.

This is truth. You were designed to always be "pressing the reset button". But how many people breathe properly with their diaphragm? How many people have complete control of the movements of their head, if they even move their head at all? How much time do people, especially adults, spend on the floor moving around? How many adults truly "walk" the way they were designed to walk, with all four limbs? How many people do all of these things?

Do you see? It is the things that we don't do, the things that we are designed to do, that allow us to move, function and be optimally. This is why a reset appears to be so powerful when a person engages in it for the first time. Their body needed it. It needed it because it was designed to do it. And just engaging in it made the whole body better.

In one more extreme example, look at oxygen. You were designed to breathe oxygen. Take the oxygen away, and your body is going to have some major problems. Similarly, you were designed to press RESET daily (you were designed to move in, through, and with certain movements). Take these movements away, or simply neglect them, and your body is going to have some pretty significant issues.

In order for your body to perform at its best, you have to give it what it needs, what it was designed to have. Daily, you should drink plenty of water, eat nutritious food, and move in all the ways you were designed to move. By the way, when you move the way you were designed, you move through the five human movements Dan John teaches about AND you press RESET simultaneously. This is how you restore your body and improve your performance. This is how you move towards becoming your best.

Becoming your best is living in the strength you were designed to have and fully expressing your life in a way that improves the world around you. That's why your here.

Become your best.

If you need help, just do what you were made to do. You were made to push, pull, squat, hinge, carry, smile, laugh, help, focus, give, receive, create, express, and love. When it comes right down to it, these are all resets. They don't simply enable you to become your best, they make the world better, too.

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