Be a Doer
Oct 11, 2015

In Original Strength, one of the phrases we like to use is, "You were made to move." It is movement of the human body that keeps the human body. Movement keeps us strong and healthy. This is the way we were designed. The more we move in accordance to our design the healthier our brains become and the healthier our bodies become. Movement is a, if not the, vehicle that helps us to enjoy this life.
Movement is life. It might be better to say that all movement is life. It is physical movement that allows us to become capable to enjoy this life and it is our action, our engaging movement, that allows us to to become capable of conquering this life.
Action is movement. Therefore, action is life.
Taking action, being a doer of thought, engaging in your ideas, moving on your decisions - all of these things lead to life and adventure, good or bad. Taking action is how we learn and create experiences. It is how we set voyage on the journey of our lives. We were all created to be doers, risk takers, and action heroes. We were all created to live lives of adventure. And like all good adventures, there are highs and lows in the journey. That is what makes life an epic tale. Without taking action that leads to both success and disappointments there is nothing learned, nothing gained, and everything is missed.
I bring this up because many people are afraid to move, to take action, because they fear they may fail. It is this trap, this life stealing phobia, that prevents people from rising and soaring through life. Instead, they exist just as a rock. They are there, but they are not broadcasting life. This is not the way we were meant to live.
Just as a baby moves accidentally the first few times, it begins to learn and refine its movements. Eventually through accidents and explorations, the child will become strong and graceful. The child will become capable. It is the same with the actions we take in life. It is okay if we mess up and "fall" or take the wrong action. If you fall, I guarantee there will be a lesson there that will sharpen your abilities and shape your experiences allowing you to engage in another idea that leads to joy.
Notice I used the word fall and not fail. You cannot fail if you take action. You can only fall. If you do fall, you can get back up. The only way you can fail is if you simply don't move, or you quit moving. But you were made to move, to take action. Therefore, you were never meant to fail.
Anyway, live out the adventure you were created for. Ever notice the action heroes in the movies and books that you love? They are all doers. They move and take action. They are shadows and representations of who you are supposed to be. That is why you are so drawn to them.
Be the doer you were meant to be. Ask that girl out. Apply for that job. Try out for the volleyball team. Sign up for the 5k. Learn how to use the oven. Sing in front of your friends. Love your spouse - don't just exist with him/her. Take action. Live your adventure. The movements you make in this life are also the movements that build this life. So get out there and learn how to fall. Then rise up seven times....
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