Ant Volcanoes
Feb 16, 2014

I'm from North Carolina. Lately, over the last 10 years, it seems like fire ants are conquering all the grassy areas. Everywhere you look, there are huge mounds, fire ant volcanoes, towering above the grass.
I really dislike fire ants. But at the same time, I can't help but wonder over their abilities. Have you ever thought about the fire ant, or any ant for that matter? They are so small, they seem so insignificant, yet inside their little bodies is a blue print for the miraculous. Think about it, the ant, is an amazing creature. The are programmed for team work, for roles and responsibilities, for archeological brilliance, for strategic battle plans, for organization, for nurturing their young, and if all that weren't enough they are equipped with limitless physical potential. All of these attributes and qualities is preprogrammed into those little, tiny, seemingly insignificant bodies.
Have you ever seen those documentaries that show that if an ant were as large as a human, they could easily pick up and carry a bulldozer - with their mouth? Or how if they were as large as a human they could run the equivalent of about 200 miles per hour? If you really stop and think about the ant, you can quickly see that the ant is a creature of wonderment. How can these little creatures contain so much potential inside of them? How can they also release and express this same potential? Ants don't just have potential, they express it. They are kinetic volcanoes of achievement.
How can an ant, with no brain to speak of, do all of these things. How can an ant contain a blue print for such intricate wonder and limitless ability? What makes ants so special?
Other than the fact that ants are busy being ants. AND, ants don't know what they cannot do.
As amazing as the ant is, we (us, humans, people, 2 leggers) are vastly more amazing. We, too, have blue prints and plans inside of us. We, too, are FULL of potential. But, we don't always express our potential. We get to chose. We choose what we will become. We chose what we will create, if we will create. We chose how strong we can be, how well we can move, and most importantly, we chose what we will believe.
Ants are too busy being ants to be bogged down with choices. They simply do. We, on the other hand, get to choose our paths - for the most part. We were made to move, AND, we were made to create. To be honest, we were made for a few other things as well, but for all the potential that is in us, for all that we were made to be, we actually choose what we will express. In your head is enough creativity to change the course of history and better mankind forever, but you may never express that or encourage that creativity to become. In your body is enough potential to move a boulder, or push a wall over, or lift a car off of another person, yet you may never nurture, or express that strength. Right now you may be choosing wether or not to believe the things you are reading.
The point is, we choose. We choose what we will become, what we will do, and who we are. Some of us choose out of apathy - doing nothing is a choice to do nothing. Some of us make choices because we believe false facts and lies about who we can become or what we can accomplish. Often, listening to people who tell you what you cannot do, is a bad choice by the way. Find people who encourage, not tear down.
Anyway, like the ant, our bodies are full of amazing wonderment and potential. We have amazing blue prints inside of us as well - we get to create even more amazing blue prints with our imaginations. We are infinitely greater than the ant, yet we often don't choose to express our greatness.
Create, Move, Love and Laugh - These are just a few things you were made to do. What would your life look like if you actually did them? If we did what we were made to do, if we engaged in life and truly expressed our true potential, if we let loose our potential, each of us would change the world. We would each be volcanoes of ability and creativity.
Its your choice. Choose to be.
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