7 Things to Reset Your Life

Categories: Blog Mar 26, 2017

Hello Everyone!

I just wanted to give you seven simple things you can do daily that will help RESET your life so you can live to your full potential. These are very simple things to do, perhaps not easy, but they will help you to live to your best.

1) Smile.

You should smile more. You should smile often, throughout the day, every day. Smiling releases wonderful neuropeptides and actually makes you feel good. Yes, people who smile feel better than people who don't. Who knew?! Smiling also opens windows of opportunity that you would not otherwise get; like a job, or a date, or a smile back. Yes, giving smiles allows you to receive smiles. It doesn't just make you feel better, it makes others feel better too. Infect people. Smile.

2) Sleep

Sleeping is the perhaps the greatest reset you are not doing right. You need sleep to recover, restore and replenish your brains thoughts and your bodies tissues. Sleeping 7 to 9 hours, uninterupted, will improve your health, both mentally and physically, increasing your chances of being resilient from sickness, injuries and your own emotions.

3) Say "Thank You."

Being thankful will make your life better. It just will. If you think you don't have anything to be thankful for, you are mistaken. Every breath you have taken and are able to take is a gift. If you are here, you have much to be thankful for, no matter what situation you may find yourself in. It has been said that bitterness is the root of all evil. If that is so, thankfulness and gratefulness must be the root of all good. When you are bitter, you are held prisoner by your emotions, a cloud is easily seen around you, and you withdraw from the world.  When you are thankful, you are free to express your emotions, light seems to follow you and you make the world a better place. (It's a RESET....)

4) Be Kind to others.

Kindness is perhaps the greatest "superpower" you possess. Especially when you offer it to others. If you want to change someone's day, as well as tremendously improve your own, offer kindness to someone. Open a door for a stranger, give an ear to a friend, offer a smile to your neighbor. Give yourself to another. It is the greatest act of selflessness and it will come back around to you. It's more contagious than the flu.

5) Be a friend.

This is different than being kind. You can be kind to anyone, not just a friend. We were created for social interaction and fellowship. Humans were not meant to live in isolation, and we certainly weren't meant for social media friendships. Be a "real" friend, in the flesh with another person. Real friendships are not about clicking likes and sending emoticons. Real friendships are about sharing life with one another, the good and the bad. It's about having meaning full conversations, supporting one another, offering an ear, council, time, energy and effort. Celebrating victories together AND morning losses together. There is nothing in life more valuable than a genuine friendship. Money can never replace or equate the love of a friend. If you are fortunate enough to have real friends, you know very well they are indeed a RESET.

6) Keep your head up.

I've written about this in the past, but we are made to keep our heads on the horizon both physically and mentally. When we drop our head, when we drop our thoughts, the body and mind follow. We slouch, we get depressed, we lose confidence and we "wilt." Holding your gaze on the horizon helps keep your posture strong and your mind agile. When you can see the horizon, you have confidence and hope. In the physical, you also have awareness and peripheral vision - if threats and attacks are coming, you're more likely to notice. People that slouch, or mope, look like victims. People that stand tall look like victory.

7) Know who you are.

Regardless of the season you are in, or the circumstance you find yourself in, know who you are. You are valuable. You are strong. You were made to be strong and resilient. Made to overcome obstacles and attacks. Made to heal. Made to look move on. Life will kick you in the shins. People will betray you. Some will attack you. You must never forget who you are and that your life matters. That's why you are getting attacked. If your life didn't matter, there would be no resistance. This particular point is very deep and I cannot possibly cover it all here in this short post, but dont ever doubt your importance. Everyone has a story and every story matters. Every story also has a hero. Heros save the day and they fight to change the world for the better. You are a hero. Remember this: there would be no need to be bulletproof if no one was ever shooting at you.

That's the simple seven things you can do to reset your life and the lives of others. Again, simple doesn't mean easy. Sometimes it's hard to smile, or be kind, or be thankful. It takes effort. It takes choice and action. But the choice and action are worth it. It's not always easy to be a friend, or to keep you head up. But you can do it. And you should. ,because that's what heroes do.


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