56 Year-Old Man Loses 30 Pounds In 6 Weeks Using "Automatic Reset"

Categories: Blog May 13, 2015

Yeah… I know… Sounds like a late night infomercial. Walking - The Automatic Reset

And honestly, it's a little bit tongue-in-cheek.

But I witnessed this firsthand.

And you know what?

He did just 2 things:

1. Revamped his diet, cutting out sugar, sweets, and candy, eating more vegetables and protein

2. Walked every day - working up to 5 miles a day.

When I witnessed this back in 2003, I couldn’t exactly figure it out.

It ran counter to everything I knew, or thought I knew, at the time. He didn't do any traditional strength training or interval training. Nothing "high intensity."

Like I said, I witnessed this firsthand: This 56 year-old man was my dad.

And, there was a very interesting caveat:

He was recovering from a triple heart bypass.

Walking was the only exercise his doctor allowed him to do.

“All” he did, like I said, was to commit to revamping what he ate, and then he walked. Daily.

I know, it’s definitely not sexy. There are no bikini-clad young women jumping up and down shouting, “Oooohh… Walking! Feel the burn!”

And, unlike the popular workouts these days, he actually invested more than 10 minutes a day in his exercise program - his walking.

Walking, the “automatic reset,” is one of the simplest, easiest ways to not only lose weight (fat) but to also decrease stress and increase productivity levels.

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve just gone out for a long walk with a problem that needed resolving.

An hour or so later, I had my solution that I was then able to implement.

Apparently, it’s also a great way to lose “mental weight” or emotional baggage too.

Why am I writing this “infomercial?”

Because in a world where we not only seem to value the complex, we chase it, walking could be just what the doctor ordered for your fat loss program too.

Will you lose 30 pounds in 6 weeks?

Who knows?

And honestly, who cares?

What, if, because you’re struggling with your weight, and the emotional baggage that comes with that struggle (or causes that struggle), you’re down “only” 10 pounds and you’re a lot more mentally “free?”

That’d be a little bit of alright, wouldn’t it?

So, if you’re feeling stuck, and want a “foolproof” diet and exercise plan - eat more fruit, veggies, and meat, and cut out the processed junk. Then for exercise, use the OS Automatic Reset (aka - Walking. “OS Automatic Reset” sounds more complicated and important, doesn’t it?)

And walk every day. Work up to an hour a day. Outside. In the fresh air. Rain or shine.

Six weeks from now you just might surprise yourself with how good you actually feel.

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