In an Instant

Categories: Blog, Pressing RESET, Hope, Nervous System Oct 20, 2024

“Our bones are dried up, and our hope is gone; we are cut off.” Ezekiel 37:11

Without hope, we are dried up and dead on the inside. We exist, but there is no life in us. This is why hope is probably the greatest reset we could ever receive. It restores us, it strengthens us, it fuels us; from the inside out. 

This is one reason why Pressing RESET is so powerful. It builds hope in the person who experiences it. Think about it. If you felt stuck in your body, if you believed you would always be in pain or that you would always be frail and fragile, how invigorating would it feel to suddenly discover that you can heal in an instant?

In an instant…!

Your body is so wonderful that you can experience change inside it at the speed of your nervous system. In an instant, your back pain can go away. In an instant, your ability to squat can return. In an instant, your strength can be renewed. And because of that, your heart can be flooded with hope in an instant. And hope is life-changing. 

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12

A longing fulfilled is a tree of life! When people suddenly realize they are not stuck in their bodies when they realize their bodies are designed to heal, hope is born in their hearts, and life flows through them once again. And that feels amazing to them and is also amazing to witness. 

This is why I LOVE showing someone how Pressing RESET can restore their bodies. It doesn’t just restore their body; it restores their soul. You can see the spark of hope (life) ignite in their eyes and faces. It never gets old to witness, and it ALWAYS adds fuel to the flame of hope within me. 

Any professional, trainer, therapist, or doctor who has helped someone Press RESET knows exactly what I’m talking about. There is no better feeling in the world than helping someone discover they are not broken, stuck, or lost but can be brimming with life again—in an instant…!

There is no better feeling in the world than being useful and helpful, if only for an instant. 

Pressing RESET changes more than the lives of those who do it; it ignites the lives of those who share it. 

It’s a two-fold hope-fest. I know this seems silly, but I’ve seen and experienced it. Hope is born in the hearts of those who discover the wonder in their design, and hope is fueled in those who take joy in sharing the wonder of that design. And it is through hope that we experience strength, patience, kindness, and vitality. I’ve said a thousand times that “It feels good to feel good” - this does not happen without the spark of hope. This means that “It feels good to have hope.” 

Our design creates and releases hope. This means that we are designed for an abundance of life and vitality. And it can be ours at the speed of our very own nervous system, in an instant. 

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